How's Q4

Q4 hasn't been bad, but we're all tired. Our SFS team rocks, I guess - we have the lowest INF rate in the district, according to a walkie announcement today. Got a big woo-hoo for that group of TMs and I confess to feeling a bit gratified when another TL came on a minute later saying part of that success is due to the rest of us keeping the floor stocked and properly locating back stock.
We have the usual mix of dim bulb and pretty good seasonal hires. It'll be interesting to see who stays on.
Last week my store got hit hard. A little bit of it was work related, but the onslaught of shit thrown on my Team’s personal lives has been enough to destroy morale. But we rallied together and supported one another, and even though we’re still taking everyone a day or even moment at a time, we’re getting through it together. I cannot be more proud of my Team, they’re truly humbling.

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