HR experts unite! Questions about role

Jan 20, 2020
Hey calling all HR experts. What is your typical schedule, including weekends? Is mandatory weekends a corporate standard or an individual store/group/district thing? Need to know any and all feedback whether yourself or just your store any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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Oh God! You work in retail and have to work some weekends? The horror! Hotline that shit.
I appreciate your reply, it's not about actually working the weekends being the problem. It's being told its corporate mandatory per the position after modernization, even though it's a team member position. That's the question. Thanks for your concern.
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Our HR Expert worked every other weekend, opposite the ETL, during 4th quarter but currently has every weekend off
I appreciate your reply, it's not about actually working the weekends being the problem. It's being told its corporate mandatory per the position, even though it's a team member position. That's the question. Thanks for your concern.
Not mandatory but being available on nights and weekends is a must in retail. I’ve worked with HR experts that do 6-2:30 M-F every week and also some at stores that work every other weekend
Ours does MTRF 8-430 usually and at least one weekend day every other weekend. Our HR etl usually works around 9-7pm and does closing weekend shifts every other weekend. Between the 2 that usually covers times for all employees.
HRE here and I’ve been in role 5+ years 😁

I typically work M/W/Th starting at 8am and ending at different times each day for both business and personal needs. Monday’s I’m out at 3 since they tend to be lighter workload, while W and Th fluctuate between 4-4:45, depending on whatever happens after 3:30 lol

Payroll and Attendance.
First I make sure to fix all of the previous weeks missing punches. I’ll open myTime Self Service and approve punch corrections (if there are any that feel weird partner with your Leader. Just let them know you aren’t comfortable with it any why and leave it for them. That will never be a problem) and any payouts from the previous week(s). This would be TMs or TLs looking up being their hours up or cover a day off. I never approve time off requests, that’s for the area Leaders to decide. After that I’ll manually fix missing punches from the previous week. Read the closing notes to see if anyone left early or arrived late, they might have not punched and you’ll need to partner with AP for that.
Next is reclassify absences. That’s pretty easy - mark them Absence Confirmed or NCNS. We keep an excel sheet at my store for attendance and I’ll update it as I go. If they are absent, more than 5 minutes late, leave more than 5 minutes early. It all goes down and I’ll “highlight” TMs that need a conversation. We define a negative trend in attendance is 3 or more issues within 30 days (any combination or late, absent, left early).
Weekly/Daily Reports
Every day I work I print the missing punches, projected OT, daily break schedule, and daily compliance. On Mondays after HROC opens (8am central time) I’ll pull the final OT, hours bulled to, hours billed from, and compliance summary. I’ll always compare compliance summary to meal compliance in MyTime (still under manage Timecards) to see who had a true violation. The weekly report will add anyone with missing punches, those will drop off by Wednesday tho. I make note of who had a true violation (name, date, record of punches) and hand it to my Leader.

The schedule populates so Wednesday it can be edited. We have several departments in set schedules, and some core schedules in other departments. Like Style TMs who push their truck have set schedules, but the rest of the department gets adjusted every week based on workload and payroll. Guest Advocates are close to be on a set schedule, but when hours fluctuate they’ll be adjusted. Your store will either have a written schedule for you to key in, leave you to writ it, or you’ll never see it. Let me know which you’re at and I’ll go more into scheduling with you 😁

Finals edits are made to the schedule. It should be posted by noon, but some stores don’t post until Fridays. This is also the day I’ll get into Workday Learning and pull reports of who has what coming up due. I’ll make a master list and send it out in an email, but I’ll also print it and tuck one into each TLs mailbox. It’s easier for them to have one clipped to their clipboard than remember one of a thousand emails they read.
I’ll also get any fun event for the weekend ready.

I try to process donation requests timely as I’ve taken in the role of donations captain.
I’ll try and get the Team to volunteer (I always do if I can!) and get their hours recorded.
I manage our fun account and keep a report updated so my Leader knows where we’re at.
Plan the FFF Calendat and make sure all Fun Events are executes! I pull the Birthday and Anniversary report in Workday to ensure everyone is on it. Partner with AP and ETLS to get theirs, they don’t pull for some reason.
Any little (or big!) thing my ETL asks me to do I’ll jump in and learn how to do and then do it lol
Pull reports for other Leaders as they ask.
Print the monthly addendums for the Team and leave it in a binder in the breakroom for anyone that wants to read it.
I actually worked in GM and Style before going up to HR so I’ll help out on the floor if they need it. I’ve learned softlines sort from the truck, Style, FR, VMGs, POG, Price Change, cashier/service desk, SCO, Cash Office, Fulfillment, ad prep/set/take down. So pretty much I’ll work or pick up or schedule myself hours wherever needed (or wanted lol)
I also LOVE doing the kids events and I’ll read the addendum to see when any are coming up and then vaguely threaten the SETL in charge of them to let me do them. The Dr. Seuss one is coming up and it’s in the February addendum 😉
I normally work weekends opposite my ETL just so there is HR coverage most days. Neither of us work on Tuesdays but that’s more of an anomaly in my district apparently. With Hours being so tight right now there isn’t much left for me so I’ve been enjoying some time off and the frugal life with smaller paychecks lol

I think that’s it for a good overview, but please let me know if you have any more questions! I’m here to help 😁
Hey calling all HR experts. What is your typical schedule, including weekends? Is mandatory weekends a corporate standard or an individual store/group/district thing? Need to know any and all feedback whether yourself or just your store any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Right now I work every other weekend and rotate with another HRE, and I usually always work Monday mornings (payroll), and close every other day of the week.
Hey guys, to followup on this and how things are going, I'm still in roll for now.

I was given an ultimatum of either 1) change my availability to accommodate everyday of the week. 2) dont change availability and have them hire a second hre to share my hours and cut them indefinitely or 3) quit.

I was told that my hours would stay at 20 hours a week for quite a while, gone are days of 30+. That our payroll bucket would only accommodate 60 hrs in hr a week and our hrl would have a guarenteed 40. (We have no etl-hr, the position was eliminated in our store)

And that I absolutely could not change position out of hre and stay at target. Neither can I pick up shifts elsewhere in the store or be scheduled elsewhere to lift my hours abover the 20 hrs a week. because it blurred the lines of clear workcenters for team members. This includes picking up cashier shifts, demo/event shifts, etc. now not allowed.

Has anyone else heard this or been involved in a ruling on this style? I was told it was from our hrbp & their business partners. But I also know its been common place for most hre to help elsewhere in the store to help hours. And to straight ban the pickup of hours or dropping out of position seems a

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. I'm at a loss and a little overwhelmed.
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WOW - sounds your group/district is trying to make HRE's not benefit eligible- another cost cutting measure. While I don't think it's a personal attack (if it was you would be performanced out) it's still not fun to be in your shoes. At the end of the day you must put yourself first and look outside of Target if needed for other opportunities.

Target runs a business and if the leadership demands open availability for a HRE/other work centers the existing plp in role nust adapt or ship out. I just had this happen with GM3 DBO's not being allowed to work before 12p. Have kids? Want a 2nd job? Target doesn't care. Work the 12p shift that is outside of your availability or quit. #NewTarget
Yet when people do quit, HR/management are always like

It does sound like Spot is after your benefits. ASANTS, but I have never heard of HRTMs being denied the opportunity to work in other departments. In fact, at my store they could sometimes pick up hours backstocking or packing for SFS. Of course, times have changed, unfortunately. My advice would be to start looking for another job that will offer you more/ better hours and benefits, and hang in at Spot until you get established there if your schedule permits. Costco or Home Depot might be good places to start. Good luck!
Gotta love the Target buzz phrase "In Role" not roll. Never heard it in any other company. Go elsewhere, you're getting boned big time.
Hey guys, to followup on this and how things are going, I'm still in roll for now.

I was given an ultimatum of either 1) change my availability to accommodate everyday of the week. 2) dont change availability and have them hire a second hre to share my hours and cut them indefinitely or 3) quit.

I was told that my hours would stay at 20 hours a week for quite a while, gone are days of 30+. That our payroll bucket would only accommodate 60 hrs in hr a week and our hrl would have a guarenteed 40. (We have no etl-hr, the position was eliminated in our store)

And that I absolutely could not change position out of hre and stay at target. Neither can I pick up shifts elsewhere in the store or be scheduled elsewhere to lift my hours abover the 20 hrs a week. because it blurred the lines of clear workcenters for team members. This includes picking up cashier shifts, demo/event shifts, etc. now not allowed.

Has anyone else heard this or been involved in a ruling on this style? I was told it was from our hrbp & their business partners. But I also know its been common place for most hre to help elsewhere in the store to help hours. And to straight ban the pickup of hours or dropping out of position seems a

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. I'm at a loss and a little overwhelmed.

So they want you available 24/7 but not schedule you more than 20 hours a week and you can't pick up any other shifts? How big is the dildo they are trying to shove up your ass cause you're getting screwed big time!! You're an adult, decide what you're worth and go from there. But if it were me, I'd tell them that no way can I make myself agree to an open availability for only 20 hours a week.
Thank you all for your feedback. I knew it didnt sound right, I've been with the company for 10+ yrs and this is brand new to me. Hence reaching out. My background was from the front end, and even this black Friday was scheduled up front. So to say I can not pick up shifts where I have experience and where they're allowing GM sfs and salesfloor tms that are NOT cashiers pick up shifts as cashier follows with my theory that they're screwing me and me alone. I'm definitely going to peruse other employment avenues but wanted to know if this was something any other region had heard of before i fought my case. It's the biggest load of bull I've ever heard myself and I'm heartbroken as I love my job & team, but hate this bullshit.
Thank you all for your feedback. I knew it didnt sound right, I've been with the company for 10+ yrs and this is brand new to me. Hence reaching out. My background was from the front end, and even this black Friday was scheduled up front. So to say I can not pick up shifts where I have experience and where they're allowing GM sfs and salesfloor tms that are NOT cashiers pick up shifts as cashier follows with my theory that they're screwing me and me alone. I'm definitely going to peruse other employment avenues but wanted to know if this was something any other region had heard of before i fought my case. It's the biggest load of bull I've ever heard myself and I'm heartbroken as I love my job & team, but hate this bullshit.
If the hours are being charged to a different department, why does it matter if you pick up that shift if you are trained elsewhere? Have you talked to your SD? If there is a shift my store is having a difficult time filling then I have been known to offer help. During Q4, I was also picking up fulfilment shifts as much as possible because they were so far behind.
If the hours are being charged to a different department, why does it matter if you pick up that shift if you are trained elsewhere? Have you talked to your SD? If there is a shift my store is having a difficult time filling then I have been known to offer help. During Q4, I was also picking up fulfilment shifts as much as possible because they were so far behind.

My SD is the one that said I was absolutely not able to pick up shifts elsewhere. Even already written shifts on kronos or call ins. That is per our Human resources business partner (hrbp or basically district hr). Since the hrbp reached out to other business partners about what to do with my limited availability and their solution was the force me, hire two and split hours, or quit answer that their hands are tied at a store level. It's all 10000% bull and from what I'm hearing it's our store specific. Which is even more bull. Hence reaching out on here to see if any other store was enforcing or participating in this "clearly defined workcenters " nonsense. I come from the front background and even worked service desk as the main tm for black Friday week. Its not like I'm unqualified. It's all just bull to cut my benefits or run me off I suspect.
To mistreat a ten year employee like this is unacceptable.
No company should be allowed to get away with crap like that.
The whole "to meet the companies needs" is pure and utter bullshit.
They didn't have these needs five years ago.
They made the decision to put you in this position and it's their own damn fault that they are losing you.
Fuck them.
Going back over the first post, it sounds like you are not available on weekends, is that correct? Has this always been the case, or did you change your availability recently, or after being in the job for awhile?

Job descriptions change, availability needs change. If they have decided they need someone in your position to be available on weekends and you can't or won't accomodate, I'm not sure there is much you can do. It is their right to hire someone to fill their needs. They are giving you the opportunity to open your availability to get those hours. If you refuse, their hands are tied.

Or, maybe it's personal and they want you out. I know our HR TM used to help out in other areas of the store, but not sure how much they are needed now due to the drop in hours.

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