Archived HR Refusing availability changes

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Mar 26, 2014
Is this Legal? What is your opinion?

Our ETL-HR is refusing all availability changes to Team Member hours. Due to the recent raises that everyone seems to be getting, our store has had more then a few team members ask to work less because "they would loose their food stamps and section 9 housing". She makes it no secret she loves the GOP and Donald Trump. She tells co-workers all the time "I'm sick of people trying to scam the system" She tells the team members "you were hired on open availability" and she then denies all requests for team members she think are "scamming the system" People have already tired to call the hotline with zero luck. They claim she is using a loophole with the open availability when hired.

What do you think?
I thought all availability changes go to the ETL of your workcenter? If she won't change it then talk to your ETL of your workcenter.
If your new availability doesn't work with the stores scheduling needs or you're within your 90 days they don't have to approve it.

Should they? Yes, will they? Not necessarily
Is it illegal? No, probably not.
Is it unethical? Yes. HR can't make judgement calls regarding why a TM needs an availability change. They should only be able to deny the change if it doesn't meet store needs. If other team members have been told things along these lines, they should call the integrity hotline.
Document and gather together.
This sounds like someone with an agenda screwing over people under them.
There is no way, if it is presented clearly and carefully, (with hints that it could go public unless handled in house expeditiously) that Spot will let this stand.
Illegal-no, and I really doubt the ETL HR said out loud about "scamming the system". That would be a career killer.

But a political rant - higher wages were asked for because the wage was not a "livable" wage. Now that TM got a higher wage, they don't want to work as many hours because they still want there welfare support. What's next, another protest for $20 an hour to be a cashier? So they only have to work 10 hours a week and still collect gov benefits.... Good grief.
Illegal-no, and I really doubt the ETL HR said out loud about "scamming the system". That would be a career killer.

But a political rant - higher wages were asked for because the wage was not a "livable" wage. Now that TM got a higher wage, they don't want to work as many hours because they still want there welfare support. What's next, another protest for $20 an hour to be a cashier? So they only have to work 10 hours a week and still collect gov benefits.... Good grief.

Depends on the circumstances.
If the raise is enough to actually make enough to get them out of the hole than cool but the fact is that more often than not it isn't.
One of the things we do at DVR is have the people with disabilities get a benefits analysis to determine how much they would have to make in order to actually afford to go off the benefits.
You wouldn't believe how much it can be when you figure in things like kids insurance, subsidized housing, etc.
People who are working poor but qualify for support are in a difficult position.
If this person is purposely messing with their supports that is the ultimate in cruelty.
You can't make enough to survive by working and the government certainly doesn't give you enough to live on.
Depends on the circumstances.
If the raise is enough to actually make enough to get them out of the hole than cool but the fact is that more often than not it isn't.
One of the things we do at DVR is have the people with disabilities get a benefits analysis to determine how much they would have to make in order to actually afford to go off the benefits.
You wouldn't believe how much it can be when you figure in things like kids insurance, subsidized housing, etc.
People who are working poor but qualify for support are in a difficult position.
If this person is purposely messing with their supports that is the ultimate in cruelty.
You can't make enough to survive by working and the government certainly doesn't give you enough to live on.

I've managed in tough places for Walmart; like projects tough. Had a couple of shoot outs in our parking lots tough. I am not as sensitive when in comes to welfare abuse because I saw it everyday. I had cashiers complaining about how they were going to feed there kids (while prego with the third) and flaunting around there new iPhone, coach purse, or jordons. I've had TM arrested because they were selling there SNAP benefits and using it to buy drugs.

I had one TM that got an Obama phone, she gave it to her 6 year old because she wanted a new Samsung with data.

Like I said, I am less sensitive. You can't un-see the things I have seen.
I've managed in tough places for Walmart; like projects tough. Had a couple of shoot outs in our parking lots tough. I am not as sensitive when in comes to welfare abuse because I saw it everyday. I had cashiers complaining about how they were going to feed there kids (while prego with the third) and flaunting around there new iPhone, coach purse, or jordons. I've had TM arrested because they were selling there SNAP benefits and using it to buy drugs.

I had one TM that got an Obama phone, she gave it to her 6 year old because she wanted a new Samsung with data.

Like I said, I am less sensitive. You can't un-see the things I have seen.

I would never say that my personal experiences are proof of what every person who has used SNAP so I always find it interesting when other people use theirs as proof of the corruption of all poor people.
As someone who has had to fall back on the system as an adult and lived on it as a child, I do admit to getting a bit annoyed with this kind of argument but I can also prove my points with facts.
Only 1% of SNAP benefits are trafficked and they've even managed to get it down lower than that.
SNAP Is Effective and Efficient | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

A few people's stupid and irresponsible actions (which in some cases can be laid at the door of the circumstances they live in) do not make the conditions I was talking about any less tragic or difficult.
I would never say that my personal experiences are proof of what every person who has used SNAP so I always find it interesting when other people use theirs as proof of the corruption of all poor people.
As someone who has had to fall back on the system as an adult and lived on it as a child, I do admit to getting a bit annoyed with this kind of argument but I can also prove my points with facts.
Only 1% of SNAP benefits are trafficked and they've even managed to get it down lower than that.
SNAP Is Effective and Efficient | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

A few people's stupid and irresponsible actions (which in some cases can be laid at the door of the circumstances they live in) do not make the conditions I was talking about any less tragic or difficult.

My main overall point is, people asked for higher wages to help them get off benefits. Now they get higher wages and they see it as a way to work less hours, keep benefits and still bring home the same amount of pay.
Is this Legal? What is your opinion?

Our ETL-HR is refusing all availability changes to Team Member hours....
What do you think?

Only focusing on this one part;

It's fourth quarter. The stores really can't have 90% of their staff suddenly say "I can't work past 5pm or on weekends." right now.

That said, I've had HR ETLs approach individual team members and tell them "you need to change your availability or forfeit your job."
I'm amazed at the garbage some of our HR ETLs come up with.
Maybe your ETL is working with a personal agenda, maybe not. However the things they are doing aren't illegal, and it's pretty much impossible to prove someone else's intents.
I was always told that you could ALWAYS submit an availability change BUT it wasn't guaranteed to be approved.
Each case is weighed according to needs of the store.
Greater latitude was given for those going to school (although my store had to crack down when the 'school' reason was being abused), but in the end the store needs could prevail.
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