Archived Hurf blurf I'm here!

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That Dude who Does Stuff

Instocks/Electronics TM
Nov 4, 2012
I've been lurking for a few months now after one of my TLs introduced me to this site. I'm formerly an electronics employee, now instocks for the forseeable future. I'm trained for...a lot(tm). I've been with Target for just over two years now.

Outside of work, I'm a dude who listens to industrial and metal, does a lot of writing, plays a lot of PC games, and plays Magic: The Gathering competitively.
Welcome to The Break Room! It is recommended that you remove your location - Spot lurks here too.
Yeah, probs best bet that you remove your location info. Dropping hints is alright now and then, but straight up identification like that is a baddddd idea.
Ix-nay on the ace-play!
Leadership does like to cruise this site a LOT & this is NOT a company-sanctioned site.
Keep it on the down-low.
You sound like one of my former TM's... previously electronics, now Instocks. But I don't remember telling you about the site. merp.
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