Newbie here!!

Sep 16, 2022
Hi so I’m new here. I’m starting at target distribution center. I’m a little bit nervous because I’m not really in the best shape and I am pretty short in stature. I’m 5 foot 2. I applied for the warehouse worker and recently got offered the job. I start in two weeks and just want to take an all the advice and information I can. I have been working at Walmart for almost 5 years in the deli. Today I was told by a friend that there’s only 2 30 minute payed lunches and it’s definitely a lot different than what I’m used to. At Walmart we have a 15 every two hours and then an hour long lunch. Anyways I just wanted to know if anyone has advice or anything. I also was curious what the different areas are like for warehouse workers. Anyways once again thank you for reading this and I’m excited to meet everyone!!
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