i’ve been trying to find a new job since 2018

I would try to look into some online job search groups for advice.

I would look at Indeed and see if he anything interests you.

Try to get some interviews and go from there.
Check the last thread I created, friend. While we may or may not fit into similar demographics, I can say that I am so so happy with the decision I made to leave Target. I’m sure there are stores and districts out there that value their team members and show it every day, but my SD and other managers just simply don’t. I applied for about 30 jobs and received an interview for 4, got an offer from 3 of those. Many companies right now are not actually hiring though in my area, just for looks. I.e, a warehouse job opening in my area rejected me and my friend who have clean record on everything and just wanted a job while in school(didn’t mention school in the application though). Job posting has been up for months
My last job hunting stint, I got on the state workforce board, zip recruiter, career builder and indeed. I'm in a metro area. 10 applications a day. If I took a day off, 20 the next day. I'm sure I was applying to some jobs twice on two different boards but oh well.

It took exactly a month but I got a job. During a rough part of the year to get hired, my last day was 12/23.

I used a free resume builder and then rephrased everything. The last job I used a chronological resume, the resume before that was a functional resume.

I also cleaned up my voicemail greeting, to make it sound professional. A while back I made an email address solely for job hunting purposes. I haven't signed up on linkedin yet, but that would be the only social media. Potential employers have no problem with googling your email address to find your social media accounts and see what you've made public.

It's part luck but it's also part persistence. The more places you apply, the bigger chance that someone will call back.

And remember, you aren't just working retail. You use persuasive selling techniques, inventory control, product placement design, deescalation techniques, multi-line phones, customer needs analysis, research, cash handling and more that I can't think of off the top of my head.

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