Archived I love target because

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When I read the title I had lots of sarcastic responses in mind, but then I started thinking and got a much-needed perspective shift. Thanks to the OP, I'll be going into work tonight with a far better attitude than I would've had otherwise!

After spending the entirety of my teenage/young adult years struggling with a serious mental illness, Target has been my first real job despite being well over the age when someone should start working. I was always terrified I'd be laughed out of a building (or worse, never even get an interview) for being in my mid-twenties with a resume that was basically empty, save for a few things that I had to stretch to make sound like anything. And I definitely assumed I'd get stuck with a minimum wage job.

...and yet, Target's hiring process was painless, and I'm making $1.25 over my state's minimum. I'm still disappointed with my paychecks when it feels like I'm putting in SO much for such a small return, but I know it would be so much worse basically anywhere else.

Target has given me so much confidence and experience. I remember reading through job postings and just assuming I could never do any of the stuff most jobs required. Had someone told me what I'd be doing at Target I never would've applied. I applied for Flow team because it seemed so straightforward, but little by little I've been pushed into other areas and it's been weirdly empowering to realize that I can learn how to do just about anything.

It's hard to see how many of these skills could ever land me a well-paying job but at least I'll be able to walk into future interviews with confidence.

On a lighter note, I always dreaded the thought of working at a place like Walmart and having to wear that goofy vest. I love Target's dress code. I feel lucky that I can go to work in cargo pants and a hoodie one day, and skinny jeans and a t-shirt the next day. I can dress for comfort and, to some degree, style preferences.

Nearly every shift I find myself muttering expletives under my breath- there are aspects of the job that are absolutely ridiculous- but overall, given my lack of work history, I feel very, very, very lucky to have stumbled into a place that isn't the absolute pits of hell.
You do realize that part of the reason it's cheaper is because it's shite?
But it is better than nothing and many companies are offering pretty much the same thing these days so ...
It is better than our competition, it is better than my husbands, sisters, and brother in laws. Better than my neighbors. And better than other jobs I've interviewed for and turned down because of it. The grass is not always greener, especially when it comes to benefits!
It is better than our competition, it is better than my husbands, sisters, and brother in laws. Better than my neighbors. And better than other jobs I've interviewed for and turned down because of it. The grass is not always greener, especially when it comes to benefits!

Ouch, I'm so used to comparing insurance to the real thing (like what my wife was getting as a teacher and I get now as a state employee or I got as an union member) that hearing about what is happening to retail these days is just frelling depressing.
It's not just retail. And yes govt/state employees have it made w insurance. I have 3 family members that work for the govt. they keep telling me I need to get a job in it also. It doesn't work w my kids schedules tho.
I have a friends who's spouse works for United healthcare call center. Her benefits are the WORST package UHC offers. Way to take care of their own.
You know what? I told them about my social anxiety in the interview and they still hired me... For a job where taking to strangers is important. And I truly believe this job has been a big contribution to all the improvement I have made. If I think of it as being paid while getting exposure therapy, it all seems worth it.

Who knew there was a baby optimist living inside me?
My store's been out of pb dream for weeks. I found it at shop rite today, though! So I take that one back.

I am enjoying the wellness discount! I just quit lipitor because of side effects and I gotta eat better. The discount on the vegetables I'm experimenting with is nice. Discovered I don't hate cauliflower last week. So yay for that. Trying kale next. I'd default to collards but my store doesn't carry them (*whispers* if anyone has a recipe for kale, feel free to share)
Only thing I've ever used kale in was soup.

Specifically this soup:

Olive Garden Copycat Zuppa Toscana Recipe -

That may not be the exact recipe I've had, not sure, didn't make it myself, but it looks close enough.
thought this was appropriate for this thread

I love target because of the people I work with. While some are complete imbeciles, there's a big group of past and present tms/tls that hang out on a regular basis and are probably some of the best friends I've ever made.

Also, my position is left alone. We come in, grab equipment.. start our task-list for the day.. and if I feel like I won't finish I tell my TL or the LOD. They respect me enough to find help or if there isn't any they ask me to stay late and they'll get me help another day.

Now addressing any of the problems I have around the store is another thing. My store gives a whole new meaning to "don't ask, don't tell"
I too loved many of the folk I worked with (even the zainy brainies); there were also some I didn't care for but respected nonetheless.
@Nauzhror: I'm gonna have to try that soup recipe now that it's finally cooling down.
because I can think of all the mistakes that I've made that have put me at Target.
... of the people. Work is work but the people with whom you work says a lot about why you work there. I haven't met an a-hole (yet) since working at my store. Even when you aren't perfect, they explain and guide and help. And they HELP. Even the TLs will do the TM work when we're short. That is a rarity at other places stores within Target.

As an aside, I love the TL who keeps switching the Crown to 'turtle-mode' on me as if I don't know what I'm doing. I have like 5 years experience with a pallet jack (no thinking required), more than a year with various forklifts (driving, standing, now the beast known as the Crown), and I'm working the Wave better than many in the BR. Even I willfully admit that my proficiency isn't in 'coordination' (except playing guitar) but this stuff is easy. He will submit eventually. 😀

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