I stole some stuff, now what?

Apr 23, 2023
I guess the pressure of my financial situation got to me, and I cracked. I stole a handful of times over a few weeks in what has been an otherwise uneventful few years at Target. Sometimes it was food, sometimes it wasn't. The total was well below my state's threshold for felony theft.

Having looked back on it, I regret it so much, and I want to be better and move on. Still, I'm worried about how this could affect me going forward. I'm not 100% confident AP knows, but I'm paranoid and feel like I've been followed during my shift at least once. So, what should I do now? Leave it be and move on? Confess to HR, AP, or the hotline? I don't want to risk exposing myself if they don't know or not getting in front of it and being confronted. Would anyone outside of AP know at this point? If a future employer called Target about my character, would this get mentioned? How likely am I to get termed if it hasn't happened yet?

Really need some advice on this
Look for another job.
One that pays more and that doesn't put you in a position where you might be tempted to steal.
Leave Target as soon as possible.
If AP hasn't figured you out, they will the next time you do it.
And face it, you probably will because you think you got away with it this time.
They could be waiting for you to run it up high enough to charge you with a felony.
When they see you have stopped, then they will have you do the walk of shame.
Just get out as quick as possible.
Good luck and don't steal in your next job.
Glasses No GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨
I guess the pressure of my financial situation got to me, and I cracked. I stole a handful of times over a few weeks in what has been an otherwise uneventful few years at Target. Sometimes it was food, sometimes it wasn't. The total was well below my state's threshold for felony theft.

Having looked back on it, I regret it so much, and I want to be better and move on. Still, I'm worried about how this could affect me going forward. I'm not 100% confident AP knows, but I'm paranoid and feel like I've been followed during my shift at least once. So, what should I do now? Leave it be and move on? Confess to HR, AP, or the hotline? I don't want to risk exposing myself if they don't know or not getting in front of it and being confronted. Would anyone outside of AP know at this point? If a future employer called Target about my character, would this get mentioned? How likely am I to get termed if it hasn't happened yet?

Really need some advice on this
People here always seem confident that AP is on top of things, but I'm not so sure.

If you have truly stopped and won't do it again, you may be okay. You can take a chance and keep working there and just hope they haven't caught on. Looking for something better is always a good option too.

I'm going to say something that seems counterintuitive coming from a former retail security person, but don't beat yourself up. You made mistakes and hopefully have learned your lesson. Forgive yourself, move on, and don't do it again.
Oh ap knows you can quote me on thst. Maybe not yiur immediate ap bit thry kniw. Internals are candy to them. Look there isnt one single person on this planet that hasnt done something morally questionable because of situational ciecumstance. So dont think you are special for getting away until now. And dont beat yourself up for doing it.

Right now you have to wrestle with your own moral stance on your situation. First you need to get your finacnes in order. If spot isnt paying enpugh you need to fix that. Seek a second job. Or a job with high pay and better hours to replaces spot. Decide that you want better and do what you can to make thst better.
can I just say “I stole shit because I’m broke” is among the cringiest lines ever spoken in any year but especially here in this year of grace 2023 wherein it costs 100 bucks to get out of bed in the morning and sitting in traffic costs 5 dollars per minute and breathing is a $19.95 monthly subscription AND YET somehow the majority of us have managed not to steal even a dollars worth of shit from anywhere. There was never such a thing as a free lunch, but there absolutely cannot be such a thing as a free basket, and I hope OP goes to jail for a billion years out of pure and intense spite
I’m reminded of the one time when one of my tween cousins got caught trying to boost jewelry and handbags from Kohl’s and their AP was this huge jacked guy who blocked her path about like Hoover Dam blocks a kayak, and she got her first lesson about what companies with billions of dollars like to spend it on…cameras cameras cameras cameras. Like Tinseltown minus the casting couches and ficus plants. When my aunt came to pick her up she was raging so hard that the nice and friendly Kohl’s lady who stayed with my cousin in the office had to put her hands over her ears for a minute, a thing we all still do to this day on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I suppose it’s a little funny in hindsight but I recall being totally thrown like ”BRUH WHY” at the time because I was used to working under the all-seeing eye like a marijuana plant under a grow light. Why so dumb fam
I’m reminded of the one time when one of my tween cousins got caught trying to boost jewelry and handbags from Kohl’s and their AP was this huge jacked guy who blocked her path about like Hoover Dam blocks a kayak, and she got her first lesson about what companies with billions of dollars like to spend it on…cameras cameras cameras cameras. Like Tinseltown minus the casting couches and ficus plants. When my aunt came to pick her up she was raging so hard that the nice and friendly Kohl’s lady who stayed with my cousin in the office had to put her hands over her ears for a minute, a thing we all still do to this day on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I suppose it’s a little funny in hindsight but I recall being totally thrown like ”BRUH WHY” at the time because I was used to working under the all-seeing eye like a marijuana plant under a grow light. Why so dumb fam
When I was in security at Sears I worked with five or six guys who were built like Mac trucks. Should honestly be a requirement of the job - one look at these guys and many a thief would drop their merchandise and run.
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I guess the pressure of my financial situation got to me, and I cracked. I stole a handful of times over a few weeks in what has been an otherwise uneventful few years at Target. Sometimes it was food, sometimes it wasn't. The total was well below my state's threshold for felony theft.

Having looked back on it, I regret it so much, and I want to be better and move on. Still, I'm worried about how this could affect me going forward. I'm not 100% confident AP knows, but I'm paranoid and feel like I've been followed during my shift at least once. So, what should I do now? Leave it be and move on? Confess to HR, AP, or the hotline? I don't want to risk exposing myself if they don't know or not getting in front of it and being confronted. Would anyone outside of AP know at this point? If a future employer called Target about my character, would this get mentioned? How likely am I to get termed if it hasn't happened yet?

Really need some advice on this
So what ended up happening curious I am in the same boat right now and I’m scared

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