I know I made a huge mistake but I was caught stealing 🤦♀️ no reasons justify what I did and I plan on taking affirmative measures on getting the help I need to work through mental things… that said I was called into AP and he started by trying to be my friend and that they like to get to know everyone exctera and then he asked if I stole and of course my immediate reaction was no. He then says they already know the answer he was just giving me a time to be honest and after that I did admit… he then had me sign a paper that I admitted to stealing and what how much. I think total it was less than $50. He then said since I wasn’t honest at first they were terminating my position and putting in a one year no trespassing order. Of course I asked if I could rectify the situation and they said it was too late and they were not calling the police but asked if I would leave immediately. They were really kind and I definitely deserve to be out of a job no doubt… however I am extremely worried that I did not ask more about what’s next… since he said they were not getting police does that mean no charges? He didn’t even mention charges just the ban… this is really out of character and a first time thing obviously because I’m an idiot and had a moment of weakness but what am I looking at? Will they really ruin my life over a one time occurrence? Again I know I did wrong but mistakes happen. One of the AP guys did say that this was grace not getting the cops and use this as a learning experience mistakes happen…