Archived I think they're off the pill.

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Before people called it PC it was called being polite.
The most basic thing we can ask for society to survive and thrive is for people not to be dicks which means they be polite to each other.

If someone with developmental or mental disabilities tells me that a word hurts their feelings who the hell am I to say that it shouldn't or that somehow they should toughen up?
I feel that everyone has the right to free speech, which means everyone can be talk like a douche if they want but that also means I get to mock them for it.

She shouldn't have gone after you for the drinks, you could stand up for yourself, that's legit.
Breaks are on the ETL. Go on the walkie and announce it's time and then just keep bugging them until they send someone.
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The PC crap is getting out of hand.
When I was growing up, it was called consideration.
There were thresholds you simply didn't cross, like kicking people when they were already down.
Enough kids who chafed under them have grown up & decided such archaic rules don't matter any more so it's no surprise that people like Trump are setting the tone for discourse.
More's the pity.
I'm surprised target mobile ever covered your breaks at all. They aren't technically target employees I thought. At our store they aren't allowed to but will help guests if electronics staff is busy.
@Prodigy Sounds like your TL may have a classic case of Stickuptheass. It's really not hard to have your team stagger their breaks, epecially with only two TMs on the floor at the time. There's no rule that says you absolutely MUST take your break at two hours. One person go at 10, the other at 10:15. Problem solved. But I get why she doesn't want mobile covering. It's the same reason she didn't say anything when she saw mobile drinking the slurpee. They don't work for Target. If you take a look at the Target Mobile guidelines on Workbench, you'll see where it says mobile is never to cover breaks or lunches in electronics.
If everyone, including steritech, absolutely knows that guests are drinking and eating out on the floor, why do they give a damn if TMs do? Obviously Target doesn't like it because it could hinder productivity and its not "Target brand." But seriously steritech WTF? Why do you even care?
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@Prodigy Sounds like your TL may have a classic case of Stickuptheass. It's really not hard to have your team stagger their breaks, epecially with only two TMs on the floor at the time. There's no rule that says you absolutely MUST take your break at two hours. One person go at 10, the other at 10:15. Problem solved. But I get why she doesn't want mobile covering. It's the same reason she didn't say anything when she saw mobile drinking the slurpee. They don't work for Target. If you take a look at the Target Mobile guidelines on Workbench, you'll see where it says mobile is never to cover breaks or lunches in electronics.
This. This right here. There is no reason taking breaks has to be difficult.

My store used to have Mobile cover electronics breaks before I got moved into electronics. I had to put a stop to that because when they get a guest for a phone all of their attention needs to be devoted to that guest.
Before people called it PC it was called being polite.
The most basic thing we can ask for society to survive and thrive is for people not to be dicks which means they be polite to each other.

If someone with developmental or mental disabilities tells me that a word hurts their feelings who the hell am I to say that it shouldn't or that somehow they should toughen up?
I feel that everyone has the right to free speech, which means everyone can be talk like a douche if they want but that also means I get to mock them for it.

She shouldn't have gone after you for the drinks, you could stand up for yourself, that's legit.
Breaks are on the ETL. Go on the walkie and announce it's time and then just keep bugging them until they send someone.

And those douche bags will be more than happy to mock your over sensitive nature.
Before people called it PC it was called being polite.
The most basic thing we can ask for society to survive and thrive is for people not to be dicks which means they be polite to each other.

Polite and "PC" are galaxies apart. GALAXIES APART! "PC" needs to be put down with extreme prejudice.

Polite, manners, morals, ethics, and "PC" are NOT interchangeable or even related.

developmental or mental disabilities

That line is right out of the "PC Phrase book!" Good grief....

I feel that everyone has the right to free speech, which means everyone can be talk like a douche if they want but that also means I get to mock them for it.

And that is a TWO WAY STREET! So remember that when us NON PC people give right back at you!
If everyone, including steritech, absolutely knows that guests are drinking and eating out on the floor, why do they give a damn if TMs do? Obviously Target doesn't like it because it could hinder productivity and its not "Target brand." But seriously steritech WTF? Why do you even care?

How dare you........... My Gansisimo Size Coffee from Starbucks does not hinder productivity....
Polite and "PC" are galaxies apart. GALAXIES APART! "PC" needs to be put down with extreme prejudice.

Polite, manners, morals, ethics, and "PC" are NOT interchangeable or even related.

That line is right out of the "PC Phrase book!" Good grief....

And that is a TWO WAY STREET! So remember that when us NON PC people give right back at you!
Thanks for removing all doubt.
Polite and "PC" are galaxies apart. GALAXIES APART! "PC" needs to be put down with extreme prejudice.

What fun, "murder, death, kill" metaphors to describe your attitude towards having respect for one another and treating people with the dignity they deserve.

Polite, manners, morals, ethics, and "PC" are NOT interchangeable or even related.

And I say they are.
People who would rather avoid dealing with the hard work and thought that go into manners and being polite in this new age have decided to brand them as PC to make it all look bad.
Making it possible for them to go along their merry way, doing as they wish, with no consequences.
It's to complicated to ask someone who is trans what gender they would prefer to be addressed by or if they would prefer they so we will scorn them and call it all PC.
Of course we won't use the 'N' word because those folks might hurt us but anybody we can punch down at is fine.

That line is right out of the "PC Phrase book!" Good grief....

No, those terms are from my job.
I work for an agency that helps people with disabilities get jobs.
A lot of them are people with long term mental and physical disabilities who were written off by society but we get them back into the work force and help them be taxpayers.
We are one of the few agencies that pays for itself.
I know what these folks go through and a little person first language isn't asking too much (they are a person with schizophrenia not a schizophrenic, a person with epilepsy not an epileptic, etc.)

And that is a TWO WAY STREET! So remember that when us NON PC people give right back at you!

Go for it, but if this is any indication, I'm not too worried.
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