Archived I want a Target dog! What do I have to do?

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Target send dogs and tshirts to every GE every 3months or so for red card prizes but most of the time they just keep them.

Yeah I was shocked when I got a peek in my ETL-GE's bottom file cabinet drawer and saw she had a stockpile of t-shirts, wristbands, bullseye dogs and other assorted swag. I partnered with my GSTL and "invented" one of the red card promoting schemes I saw on here and suggested we start getting those prizes out there. Seems to be working, we got 8 yesterday (one of our cashiers tends to get streaks of 4-6 cards a day by herself, and I've listened to her pitch it, she's not one of those lying or stretching the truth to do it).
As far as ordering them for the store, I don't know. I wish I did, the only thing one of our electronics TM's ever wanted as a reward for getting Reds was a damn Target dog. He collected them, and for the last few months he was after the Dracula one...HR had one in her office but wouldn't let him have it 🙁 Every time he got a redcard all he wanted me to do was talk to them about getting him one. But, you can order them for yourself here: dogs, Bullseye shop : Target

Those things are insanely expensive, by the way...but oh my gosh are there some hilariously cute ones. The one dressed as a unicorn and the one dressed as an alien are my faves. There's even an Elvis one, lol.
Also that Target dog shrine pictured is slightly creepy.
I would assume they're ordered from the same Bullseye shop. I can't imagine why else they would come in packs of 5. I don't know why they cost so much though. They used to give them out quite frequently at our store. I have 5 of them from RedCards. Which I'm realizing is a lot considering their price. Oddly, I have no Target shirts though. 🙁
The only way to get them at my store is to get red cards, hard to get them if your not an all star cashier.
I received the Crayola Target dog as a gift from leadership for being a good worker a few months ago.
I got the lobster one recently. It's so adorable! I haven't seen the other ones we have though.
I waved the captain America one, but my stl was a dick about it and never ordered it. He still owes me for that.
Haha I want to order them for my team like recognition and such... But I still can't figure out where, I don't want to buy them myself would need to cut that bill
I just looked at the bull's-eye website and I haven't even seen these in my store what!! I want one 😳
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