I wanted to leave...and I've been fired

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OP you probably won't be haunted by Target at all, they usually don't do references when future employers call. I would just keep a tight lip on it.

That being said, it sounds like you mishandled things at least a little bit, and your communication might not have been direct enough.

A friend of mine from Target got hired at a nursing home months ago and he said they never called any of his references OR Target.

My fear isnt necessarily of Target haunting me, but moreso how bad it looks when an application specifically asks if I've been discharged and I explain to them that I was.
Just say you weren't. They'll never find out unless you list references that tell them you were.
If they don't like that you got fired, what makes you think they'll like you lying about it too?
No one will ever know you got fired from Target. If it is ever a question "Have you ever been fired, blah blah?" I would just put "NO". Most of the time they don't even call your old employer, and from what I know about Target, they will only confirm that you worked there and that is about it.

Saying "Yes I got fired from a job" is putting your application on the fast track to the recycle bin.
I wouldn't put down I was terminated. Wait until you see if you get an interview. You could always say the time of termination happened before you filled out the application.
I do applaud you for wanting to be honest though. Many people aren't as honest as you are. Most companies don't check references unless you are applying for a management job or if there is something chital about the new position .
Just say you weren't. They'll never find out unless you list references that tell them you were.

Yes. I don't mean to sound rude, but everyone gave to a proper answer and it seems like you keep dodging them.

Just put "Laid off", "Looking for better oppertunity" or something of the like. If you're this paranoid about one simple question, then you've probably messed up somewhere else on the app. Nothing you put will really affect the outcome unless you leave it blank, or put you were flat out fired.
Say if a tm was fired for performance reasons.Like not being responsible, or not finishing tasks on time. In an interview, how would you explain to a hiring manager why you were fired if they ask?

Would you say something like, new management came in and all expectations/work environment changed. Because of this I was not a able to finish tasks on time some days. Before expectations changed, I was able to finish my workload every single day.( but then put positives into it, like good things you learned and award/recognitions you got there.)

You NEVER know in retail.there can always be a say you can be fired for no reason at all. I strongly advise anyone who works at target to keep any performance review papers they get (as long as they are good) and some good vibe cards written for you (ones from managers would be most helpful) for future reference and bring to a job interview. When a hiring manager sees good vibe cards/awards written for you, it would make him or her see more positives and not even care if you were termed.
Ok I'm sick of saying the same thing over and over. People need to READ THE THREAD.

@redcounts If you are ever asked on an application or interview on why your employment ended at Target, or if a question asks if you have ever been Fired from a job, you LIE.

Say that you left Target to pursue new opportunities.

No I was never fired from a job before.

They will never find out that you were fired... Trust me.
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