ICQA getting slashed

Feb 20, 2024
We just learned that the ICQA department budget has been cut and they are now considered overstaffed by almost 1/3 of the people in it and will all be getting their hours cut but OM and SOM had zero insight as to what that means for them.
Its disgusting how absolutely inept the management of this company is, dropping a bomb on people and having no answers as to what any of it means. None of them even know if they will still have a job next week.
Meanwhile our buildings sewer lines are clogged up with needles being flushed from all the addicts shooting up in the bathrooms. Just had another guy OD in the bathrooms a couple weeks ago, and the only people getting talked to by the OM's are the guys running at 120% everyday because they clocked in a minute late not the 37 people who run at 40% every day.
We just learned that the ICQA department budget has been cut and they are now considered overstaffed by almost 1/3 of the people in it and will all be getting their hours cut but OM and SOM had zero insight as to what that means for them.
Its disgusting how absolutely inept the management of this company is, dropping a bomb on people and having no answers as to what any of it means. None of them even know if they will still have a job next week.
Meanwhile our buildings sewer lines are clogged up with needles being flushed from all the addicts shooting up in the bathrooms. Just had another guy OD in the bathrooms a couple weeks ago, and the only people getting talked to by the OM's are the guys running at 120% everyday because they clocked in a minute late not the 37 people who run at 40% every day.
Your building clearly didn't read the info. It's suppose to be natural attrition. If people leave ICQA due to job change or termination they're not suppose to backfill the positions. No one should be getting kicked out.
We just learned that the ICQA department budget has been cut and they are now considered overstaffed by almost 1/3 of the people in it and will all be getting their hours cut but OM and SOM had zero insight as to what that means for them.
Its disgusting how absolutely inept the management of this company is, dropping a bomb on people and having no answers as to what any of it means. None of them even know if they will still have a job next week.
Meanwhile our buildings sewer lines are clogged up with needles being flushed from all the addicts shooting up in the bathrooms. Just had another guy OD in the bathrooms a couple weeks ago, and the only people getting talked to by the OM's are the guys running at 120% everyday because they clocked in a minute late not the 37 people who run at 40% every day.

Wow, that's a heavy story.
I understand how frustrated you must be.
But it also seems like there is information you might be missing. (@Hal post above)
I have a similar problem with catastrophizing when I am missing important information.
Checking further or not making assumptions might help with this.

Keep two things in mind before you answer this post.
1) I was fired from Target so I have no love for the company and don't kiss the boot. I just want accurate information on the board for other employees.
2) I'm the moderator.
Your building clearly didn't read the info. It's suppose to be natural attrition. If people leave ICQA due to job change or termination they're not suppose to backfill the positions. No one should be getting kicked out.

They told our icqa they are overstaffed by 8 and to expect drastic hour cuts but no more info then that. So doing the math an entire shift per week. After just cutting leads so now all the cut leads and icqa have to fight for the handful of positions.

The icqa senior and om had zero answers. Every question was answered "we don't know, have to look into it. Nothing about attrition or any real answers, they just dropped a bomb and ran. They say they had not seen their senior in almost 2 years before this and they see their om once a month if that last time being mid december.They wonder why they don't get rid of the joke of an om they have and cut less hours since they have 2 oms and all work with no supervision anyways.

Sounds like the departments done and time to jump ship.
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Your building clearly didn't read the info. It's suppose to be natural attrition. If people leave ICQA due to job change or termination they're not suppose to backfill the positions. No one should be getting kicked out.
If hours are going to be cut, it's a forced 'natural' attrition. On the other hand our salvation army resale store is hiring and the banner mentioned starting pay over $17 (I think it was $17.50) The store is clean and organized.
Wait…..aren’t they moving problem solve position to icqa and adding more headcount there? Our building just posted to add to this team 1 per key in addition to the 6 icqa and 2 problem solver they already had each key. How many does op building have per key if they are over this new headcount?
They told our icqa they are overstaffed by 8 and to expect drastic hour cuts but no more info then that. So doing the math an entire shift per week. After just cutting leads so now all the cut leads and icqa have to fight for the handful of positions.

The icqa senior and om had zero answers. Every question was answered "we don't know, have to look into it. Nothing about attrition or any real answers, they just dropped a bomb and ran. They say they had not seen their senior in almost 2 years before this and they see their om once a month if that last time being mid december.They wonder why they don't get rid of the joke of an om they have and cut less hours since they have 2 oms and all work with no supervision anyways.

Sounds like the departments done and time to jump ship.

target just doesnt have any clue what theyre doing. rudderless ship tbh.

we just had about 8 upper management (slight exaggeration) or hr fired within a couple weeks for affairs with underlings, that were basically open secrets. hr om and senior om fighting in the aisles over their affair. it's a zoo.
target just doesnt have any clue what theyre doing. rudderless ship tbh.

we just had about 8 upper management (slight exaggeration) or hr fired within a couple weeks for affairs with underlings, that were basically open secrets. hr om and senior om fighting in the aisles over their affair. it's a zoo.
All that money they were making… couldn’t keep it in their pants.. so dumb.. happening at my dc too..
now they’re beefing up security by leaving the gate arm down second shift because there
are so many team mates with estranged
partners… your right it is a zoo…
target just doesnt have any clue what theyre doing. rudderless ship tbh.

we just had about 8 upper management (slight exaggeration) or hr fired within a couple weeks for affairs with underlings, that were basically open secrets. hr om and senior om fighting in the aisles over their affair. it's a zoo.
Ha sounds like a dc in Texas. Amiright
now they’re beefing up security by leaving the gate arm down second shift because there
are so many team mates with estranged
partners… your right it is a zoo…

They have been leaving the gate down for us for a long time now.

Some days it's literally backed up a half mile, back onto the main road. Snarling traffic. But we are all about safety at target..
They have been leaving the gate down for us for a long time now.

Some days it's literally backed up a half mile, back onto the main road. Snarling traffic. But we are all about safety at target..
ya they assume everyone’s disgruntled ex is Jefferey Dalhmer or some sh— so they have to
make it inconvenient for everyone
They have been leaving the gate down for us for a long time now.

Some days it's literally backed up a half mile, back onto the main road. Snarling traffic. But we are all about safety at target..

i have heard from a tm at another nearby dc that they did this for about a yr, but then quietly switched back to leaving the gate open. i'm hoping the same thing happens here, but with my luck it wont.

btw the stories i heard about exs and why this happened are pretty crazy, like drunk ppl roaming the aisles looking for their ex. probably tall tales mostly though but i'm sure something happened.
So officially the gate is supposed to be closed at all time, and locations that can support it do. But larger DCs with shorter drives and only a single entrance backup to the main road too quickly. If a building that normally leaves it up during shift change suddenly closes it its because there was a threat made that is credible enough that it outweighs the complaint from the city about blocking traffic. That or a new APOM or ABPB comes from a different area that can accomidate the closed gate system and wants to "just test it out" before quickly realising how much it doesnt work.

It is/was (plans always change) in the ~medium term plans for many sites add additional entry and exit points so that the arms can be closed permanently as is technically policy, and also for safety and reduce parking lot congestion with the post-pandemic increased headcounts.

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