Well I started a few weeks ago, you were right, it’s bad lol
Care to elaborate? What's the day to day looking like as of now?
Well I started a few weeks ago, you were right, it’s bad lol
So far ISI/NIL labels and location audit reports take up 99% of my time, our warehouse is a complete wreck as accountability has hit an all time low. I go to fix one audit location, and I shit you not there are like 20 other issues in the immediate area. The OM’s are not receptive to our feedback so problems like cartons being “put” and then thrown/hidden in the racking is a daily non-stop occurrence.
WHich is the reason for the gemba boards. To pass along responsibility to tm’s so they can go to the 4/5 meetings a day.The problem is now that the OMs have so much dumb paperwork and reports they have to get done and meetings they need to attend they don't have time to actually run their departments. I remember OMs would take the first half of the shift to check in with team members and just spend a few minutes 1 on 1 with you to talk about stuff. Now we're lucky if they even get an uninterrupted hour on the floor. So now they have to rely on trainers or veterans to do the person aspect of their job.