Jan 3, 2023
Hi there, I’m a permanent employee for target in electronics not a seasonal. I recently finished working the season but they told me I won’t have any hours for awhile. Fine I get it, but does not working affect the eligibility of my team member number ? I use it to log into work day so I can see how much I’d be receiving or to even check into mytime. But it keeps coming up as invalid until today I noticed it was gone from my target app as well and once I entered it, it shows up as not valid, I don’t know when I’ll be getting hours but I’m sure it’s not anytime soon. This is kind of annoying to deal with I’ve read from others it get deactivated after you quit but I was not let go or anything.
Hi there, I’m a permanent employee for target in electronics not a seasonal. I recently finished working the season but they told me I won’t have any hours for awhile. Fine I get it, but does not working affect the eligibility of my team member number ? I use it to log into work day so I can see how much I’d be receiving or to even check into mytime. But it keeps coming up as invalid until today I noticed it was gone from my target app as well and once I entered it, it shows up as not valid, I don’t know when I’ll be getting hours but I’m sure it’s not anytime soon. This is kind of annoying to deal with I’ve read from others it get deactivated after you quit but I was not let go or anything.
Can you call the store?
Will call the store soon, just seems odd. I am not on demand I started recently in September of 2022, I understand tech falls short in hours but idk why that would affect my ID not working anywhere. Crazy how target still continues to hire so many and still cut so many more hours, even though I know there was a new guy in my electronics department who still doesn’t know anything, was hired after thanksgiving, he’s still getting hours even though it’s only about 20 or so.
You could of checked when workday was down it has outages all the time. If it's still not working you may have messed something up and locked your account but that would usually tell you that.
At our store (and ASANTS) anyone hired in September through December is coded as seasonal, regardless of if they applied for permanent.
It's likely you were coded that way and termed, but the best way to find out is to call the store and talk to HR. You should've gotten a letter of sorts or at least been told when your last day is/was by your TL.

Side note: If your buddy in tech is still getting hours it's because they were hired after you and they're still within the 90 days of their seasonal hire.

Again, the very best way to know for sure is to call your store's HR and ask.

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