Answered If you are under corrective action can u still transfer out.of state?

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Was it your first corrective action? And what was it for ? Did you acknowledge your cca? First cca is 6 months second a year and 3rd well fired. But it depends what your cca is for some could be one and done
Was it your first corrective action? And what was it for ? Did you acknowledge your cca? First cca is 6 months second a year and 3rd well fired. But it depends what your cca is for some could be one and done
CA's now last a year as well instead of 6 months like they used to be. Swilliams, if you go into workday you can view when the CA was issued and what it was for. I forgot how to access it but if you ask your leader/HR they can guide you through how to view it.
Its my second and its for sfs time and backroom location messups and productivity i didnt see.or.sign anything and its my.second one in 4.yrs
Spot is after you.
write up 6 months to a year
Final out the door.

CA Corrective Action
CCA Coaching/Corrective Action.
These are used interchangeably for a documented disciplinary action.
These are now done on Workday. It will be prepared by your Lead or Leader. You must acknowledge it in Workday, and it remains visible to you in Workday.

What used to be called a coaching or PDD (Performance Discussion Documentation), is now a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan). This is also done in Workday, but you will not see it, as with the old coachings.

For now, it is an advantage for team members. Leadership seems to hate going through Workday, so I think PIPs and CAs are being left undone.
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