If you could build a Zebra/MyDevice what hardware features would it have?

I don’t even work/twerk at Target anymore but the very idea of a built in battery still chills me to the bones so hard I’ll probably catch leukemia and die, but even then I won’t be half as dead as an iPod in a raggedy ass Honeywell scanner-case
to be fair to Steve Jobs' luv child the things were third party refurbs that were passed their batteries good life cycle that were being asked to power devices they weren't designed for. and Honeywell should stick to second rate air purifiers.
Honeywell has to have the most random ass product portfolio on the planet…from the thermostats that your boomerdad wouldn’t let you set below 85 to cluster munitions to drop on rural Laotian villages to mostly non-functional proto-Zebras, they’ve somehow managed to invent literally everything besides what we actually needed
Not part of the Zebra, but within the pick app: Store INF'd items until the batch is closed so that if item is found after INF'd (because it has been shelved incorrectly or left somewhere random by guest and you see it as you continue batch or on a vehicle that is moved from the backroom before you get back there to look for the item and is stocked after you INF) you can go back or revisit and add it to your cart before stow.
This sounds nice, but it's unnecessary IMO, since you should only ever INF at the end of a batch, until the end, hit skip, that way you if you stumble upon the item later you just scan it when you reach the item again at the end of the batch.

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