Archived If you work for Target...

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Hey now, let's not disparage younger managers. I'm 21 and perfectly capable. I don't kiss no one's ass in retail and I sure as shit don't throw co-workers, subordinates under the bus.

But yeah, @BullseyeBabe, I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. I would just tell them next time they ask you to requisition something that you don't feel comfortable doing so, because "you've been told you do it too often." If the LOD insists, I would document that conversation right then and there. Next time they want to try to use this against you, mention that such and such LOD specifically told you on this date and time to requisition [items]. They're going to hate you for doing that, because it means one less thing they can find as a reason to performance you out.

Don't go down without a fight.
I don't see how documenting helps. Especially if it's something like someone being rude or whatever. couldn't you just bullshit some stuff and get the same result?

I'd never take personal notes from someone as proof of an action

If you have well written accurate documentation things in can be checked like when you were working etc. If the other person does not have documentation they are pretty much regulated to guessing and will likely be wrong about details that can be checked. It is one of the few ways I have seen people save themselves when under attack by a store leader or leadership.
I really appreciate your responses. I'm not afraid, but I am going to be more careful. I'll share an example of how documentation can be helpful. Years and years ago I had to take a LOA. I asked my doctor to send HR a letter every time I saw her. When I was released to go back to work I called my ETL-HR. I asked when I could come back and she was saying she did not know if I could because my ETL said he had not heard from me. I had my notes in front of me and said, "That's odd because I called and spoke to ETL on such and such date at such and such time." After 20 seconds of silence she says, "Would you like to come in tomorrow at 8:00?"
I think having dates and times made the difference. Sometimes I wonder if they just like to mess with people.
Yeah, I wised up after about 3 months from being hired that Target is in no shape or form one that I would call a serious or stable job. It feels more like playtime to me. The work is way too easy and my coworkers and I always joke around during the down time. The only reason I am keeping Target as a part time job is for the 15% discount. Other than that, Target really holds no opportunities for the future. Feels like I might as well be working at McDonalds, to be honest. Just one of those jobs that were meant to open the door for a better job somewhere else.
You should practice CYA at every job. People are looking out for themselves. Managers are looking out for the bottom line. Target (insert any business name) is not your friend, it's your job, and it's up to you to take care of yourself, even if it means documenting daily.
Keep a notebook and just write in it every day - date, person you talked to, instructions they gave you. It might be uncorroborated evidence in a dispute however, it's still a recorded document.
"That's odd because I called and spoke to ETL on such and such date at such and such time." After 20 seconds of silence she says, "Would you like to come in tomorrow at 8:00?"

That's the moment your ETL-HR was thinking to herself, "Shit, we can't fire her for some bullshit reason we just made up. Looks like we'll have to try harder!"

Truly disgusting.
I honestly wouldn't take it personally, she may be directing this at the whole front end team and talking to you one by one. Especially if you haven't in over a month. As a GSA you should always seek approval before doing so. And keep the reciepts.

They probably got called out for too much spending.
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