Only way to get fired is to steal or kill a guest on the floor
The only way you're going to get fired from target, outside of stealing is that they want to fire you. Attendance will be overlooked, attitude will be ignored until they don't want you and then they will coach you out.
If you're liked by your managers and do a decent job you'll never get fired.
there is always the possibility the TM calls in most of the time. You are getting extra hours and I would take it. I am sure you will enjoy the pay checks that are coming because of this TMs choices.
Here's how it goes...
Team member must be late three times before FIRST write up.
Team member must be late ANOTHER three times before second write up.
Team member must be late an additional three times before third writeup.
That's nine times. Then the team member has another three times before FINAL writeup. If they are late again, they can be fired. The paperwork and followup is absolutely ridiculous.
There are other factors, but this is the 'by the book" method that was explained to me. No Call No Shows can be fired on their fourth time if they haven't shown up for work or called within that time.
This is correct, it takes a while before someone gets fired for attendance. To make it worst, this is done in a monthly basis. Suppose a team member was late/absent excessively for 1 month, that would be the first write up (coaching). Second month, the team member does the same thing, that would go into a corrective action and the team member would then be watched for 6 months. On the third consecutive month, and the team member is still doing the same behavior, this will then go to a final warning and the team member would then be watched for 12 months. The fourth month, and the team member still does the same behavior, then thats when you get fired. So as you can see, this is a very lengthy process, the earliest a team member can get fired for attendance would be 4 months of repeated late and absences. Only way that a team member can get fired the fastest, in terms of attendance, is for the team member to No Call No Show for three consecutive days. This would be considered as job abandonment.
Sorry for the bump but I figured this was in area I need to talk about
Over the past 3 weeks, a fellow market team member has called out and or NCNC at least 10 times that I know of. Four of those that I know of was in a span of 1 work week. For that week, his reasoning for not being at work was not feeling well. When I asked him the next time a saw him (that Sunday) if he went to the doctors, he said he refused because he hates going to the doctors. To me, if you cant go to work for more than 2 days, go to the doctors. Unless you are paying the penatly, everyone should have health insurence.What is funny, another co worker said he got another job instead of being sick. What is even more funny, about a month ago, he called out on an opening p fresh shift on a Saturday. When he came in on Sunday, he tells me he didnt come in because his flight from vegas was delayed (FYI, he previously worked that past Thursday morning). But another co worker saw him and wife at a bowling ally the Friday night before his early Saturday shift, drinking.
When I saw him this past Sunday, my co worker tells me he is going to quit after his shift without giving notice because he now has a new job. He told me he didnt give notice because of how they were treating him. He also tells me that same day he was put on final notice. I am not sure if he actually told anyone he quit but he didnt show up for yet another opening p fresh opening shift (630am-230pm) Thursday shift. This would be the third week in a row with no p fresh opener.
Yet, I look at my schedule for the week of the 20th and my schedule is my normal schedule as if he was scheduled. I know this because we only have 4 total people who can work p fresh. So if my schedule, according to what is found on ($SM$QwaYGZx7j/Fwmh0UCdxu5UEJWzEuiWp0tdvtI4kyE6r6oZ2zqpx2CY+YQSG/E2Es&TARGET=$SM$, then either whomever is making my p fresh schedule doesnt know he is gone or he just up and quit.
The funniest thing is, not once has HR or any ETL called me in early or given us help when this team member hasnt shown up. 99% of the time, they didnt tell me didnt show up.
End rant.
GSA (who is always late) is guest services this morning called 7 min after the start of her shift to say she'd be ten minutes late. No shit. She finally shows up 15 minutes late, with a soda that she apparently had time to stop for at McDonald's. I am so annoyed she is always allowed to get away with this shit.
I snarkily asked her, "delayed at the drive thru?" I don't think she got it as she just said "no" to me.
How anyone can be so self centered and so careless is beyond me.