Archived In a pickle

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Update: I asked for a copy of the CA, and was told target will not give anything in writing The official CA reason was personal conduct. I asked if AP could confirm I was even present at the time of the allegation. I was denied this too because it was "a waste of resources". I asked for clarification on what the exact allegations, and was told revealing the exact circumstances could reveal what team member reported me, so i could only be told that I was inappropriate and the team member felt intimidated by me.

I have been writing down everything from the interactions and called the hotline right after work. They said there would be a follow-up investigation involving the district leader, and possibly investigation center involvement. I am supposed to see the issue be addressed by the end of the week.
You will definitely need some mediation conducted by another store or District.

They don't have reveal the identity of other TMs involved. But they do need to inform you of the circumstances.
Update: I asked for a copy of the CA, and was told target will not give anything in writing The official CA reason was personal conduct. I asked if AP could confirm I was even present at the time of the allegation. I was denied this too because it was "a waste of resources". I asked for clarification on what the exact allegations, and was told revealing the exact circumstances could reveal what team member reported me, so i could only be told that I was inappropriate and the team member felt intimidated by me.

I have been writing down everything from the interactions and called the hotline right after work. They said there would be a follow-up investigation involving the district leader, and possibly investigation center involvement. I am supposed to see the issue be addressed by the end of the week.

It's policy that they HAVE to have a copy ready to go for you if you request it when you sign the original copy. If you challenge them on it, just say you looked it up on Workbench. It's under "Career > Leading my Team > Managing Performance"
Anything that is put in your work file ought to be accessible to the individual it belongs to.

Can they put you on CA on your first violation? I mean, if someone is being accused of something, doesn't the individual get coached and then if the behavior continues then the CA?

If you need help in locating your HRBP then call TMSC (or whatever the name is!) and they can provide you with a phone number for that individual.

If things don't get addressed be sure to call the hotline again....everyday if you need to. For if you do continue to call then there is some "official documentation" that you've been trying to address this problem.

Telling you not to be intimidated by your store leadership is easier said than done......however, this is such a huge issue that can have future complications so I doubt that you'll be intimidated.

As someone else has said....remain patient and wait.
Anything that is put in your work file ought to be accessible to the individual it belongs to.

Can they put you on CA on your first violation? I mean, if someone is being accused of something, doesn't the individual get coached and then if the behavior continues then the CA?

If you need help in locating your HRBP then call TMSC (or whatever the name is!) and they can provide you with a phone number for that individual.

If things don't get addressed be sure to call the hotline again....everyday if you need to. For if you do continue to call then there is some "official documentation" that you've been trying to address this problem.

Telling you not to be intimidated by your store leadership is easier said than done......however, this is such a huge issue that can have future complications so I doubt that you'll be intimidated.

As someone else has said....remain patient and wait.
You can be put on CA for the first offense, depending upon the offense. Workplace harassment and insubordination are two that come to mind. One TM got an instant CA for calling his team lead an idiot over the walkie.
Update: So my ETL-HR asked if i had a minute with about 30min left in my shift. I followed her to her office where APTL and STL were waiting. ETL-HR said they did some further investigation, and wanted to loop me in. They decided it is now okay to inform me of the incident, whereas before they said they couldnt. Here is what happened.

  • I was working in a backroom aisle with a female coworker, and i squeezed past her to get to where i needed to be. I placed my hand on her shoulder and said "tight squeeze, huh?". The team member felt I was inferring i wanted to squeeze her "private areas"
This incident DID occur, they reviewed the video and saw me do it, and I admitted I did that. However, what was actually said was "Tight squeeze, sorry 'bout that". I also am married.... so im not overly interested in her private areas

I told them how i felt it was unfair to me to get a CA over something like this, and how i felt this CA would negatively impact my ability to transfer or rise through the ranks. They said it would be a good growth experience, and declined to remove the CA.

APTL chimed in saying I needed to keep hands off team members, and I should've asked the team member to move from the aisle or have consulted a A team leader about how to proceed.

Is it worth it to pursue this be removed from my record?
Touching them, was a bad thing. It's a hard call, now. Dont touch anyone, anymore. Touching is consider an assault charge in my state.
See, the problem is that the touch wasn't sexual, i was just squeezing past someone. I do that all the time. I didnt think anything of it. Is that a unnatural thing to do? to put your hand on their shoulder as you squeeze past them? Its just natural to me. Was i in the wrong?
See, the problem is that the touch wasn't sexual, i was just squeezing past someone. I do that all the time. I didnt think anything of it. Is that a unnatural thing to do? to put your hand on their shoulder as you squeeze past them? Its just natural to me. Was i in the wrong?
Sorry, my friend. Touching is a big no-no. I have lots of HR experience and can honestly say it sounds like you are stuck. I hope you didn't sign the CA-that is an admission of guilt.
A good growth experience eh, that's one way to put it.

I'd take the hit.
It sucks and in many ways isn't very fair but this is one where you can't win.
Was what you did innocuous, yes from your prospective of course.
Was it easy to see as a creep on, from her perspective yes.

Awful way to get perspective but there it is.
You should always be aware of who you're touching...I make sure to put my hand behind my back whenever passing near someone. You can't assume everyone is okay with being touched, it's certainly not the case.
Working in the back room for years and years...I have had to ( more than once) squeeze" past a fellow team member. Male, female, tm, etl, hell a couple weeks the stl. I don't really touch anyone ...but I have accidentally brushed up against them here and there. I think its sad the situation the OP is in...but I guess it just reminds us all to be very careful. that we know the whole story, the subject "In A Pickle" has a new meaning - sorry, couldn't resist! People will probably forget about this in six months - just be more careful around everyone! The more you push to try and remove the CA, the longer people will remember it - take it as a lesson learned, move on, and make sure it doesn't happen again! In addition, if it hasn't been said before, I wouldn't talk to anyone about it, especially the reporting TM. Good Luck!
Wow, that's silly. If I reported everyone who touched me in a brushing by situation like that my whole store, STL included, would be written up.

What happens if someone is going to back into me? Can I no longer put my hand out and stop them because I may touch them?

Some days I wounder if I am even ment for this world.
I have an ETL who regularly squeezes my hands and brushes up against me -- deliberately, might I add -- in a playful fashion. I'd never report it but I'm sure if I did, absolutely nothing would happen to said ETL.
Is this male/female? Female/female? Male/male?

The devil's in the details...
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