Archived Inconsistent plastic bags

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Because of YOU
May 1, 2014
I'm wondering if each store has a choice of plastic bags when ordering? Do all bags come from the same place? I'm asking because I went to a store 8 miles from the one I work at yesterday. I came home and was putting the bags away when I noticed how much stronger and much better quality than the ones at my store. The ones we use are so flimsy and delicate. These were heavier duty bags with more vivid print on the front. They weren't crinkly or useless. This sounds stupid but, being a cashier, I go through so many bags that split open for hardly any reason! Anyone know the plastic bag mystery?
Other than size, all the bags are supposed to be made the same way (same thickness, cut, etc.). However, bag quality is pretty much hit or miss. Every time I open a new box of bags, I hope and pray that it's a good batch of bags.
Are you talking about the red holiday large bags? I think those are a little bit stronger.
The new graphics white standard bags they have the big 5% bullseye on them are crap.. They stick together and split badly... Earlier this year we got a few horrible batches of standard white bags, that when you pulled one off 5 more came off with the first one.. Wasted a lot of bags.
The newer bags are definitely stronger, but they're a cashier nightmare. If I'm buying, I hope for the new bags. But if I'm called for backup, I hope for the old ones.
I hate all the stupid bags this company gives us. Half the time you'll pull off a million bags along with the one you were just finished with (and lazy TMs will just take these and shove them somewhere instead of cleaning it up), and I've found batches that literally have a giant hole down the side of them so the entire batch is useless. If our bag holders wouldn't move at all (those pieces of metal that you put the bags on) 90% of our issues would be gone. The photo lab has one of these portable bag holders where the thing you put the bags on doesn't move, and 99.9% of the time you will only pull off one bag when you want to. The only downside is it's a little harder to put bags back on, but it's not that bad. I promise if we moved to the walmart model with the rotating bag holders where guests would pull off the bags themselves, they would start issuing better bags because everyone would bitch and moan about how terrible they are.
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