It's always a good idea to fill out an accident/incident report just to be safe. Mostly for your own benefit. Stores frown upon "claims", not reports.
@IWishIKnew is correct..... your Leadership is looking for a "pattern" with multiple reports. A former TM of mine suffered an injury in the backroom ( no witnesses, no camera, just his "word") which led to a claim, and that claim led to years of physical therapy ( consisting of
heavy pain meds and spa-like treatments). It became apparent, over time, that this TM was abusing the system. Just as he was about to be "released" from therapy (and his meds) from his Doctor;
BAM !!! .... another injury. Same M.O....... no witnesses, no cameras, etc. This happened two MORE times before he was documented for his lack of safe work practices. Within a short period of time, he transferred stores, and started the same routine all over again. Once he attempted to file a 2nd injury claim at his new store, his employment was terminated.
He now works for the County Hospital...... (
lots of meds there).