Archived Insane etl

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Jan 5, 2018
So our store is starting to have issues with this one etl. They called every person to their office and told each team member that they need to put in their two weeks for not finishing all the tasks during the day. This guy that is killing him self during the job to please this etl but in reality he’s the best team member they have and he’s quick like he does everything and never has done anything wrong and has never missed a day of work. What should this team member do? I mean I could call corporate or should I go to district manager.
A lot my team members have already went to hr i wish I documented it but thank god hr over heard her on some team members in her office. I’m so depressed I hope she gets fired I would never want someone to loose their job but she is a new person for only 3 weeks and she already started doing this which is insane.
How many TMs has this ETL asked to put in their 2 weeks notice? All need to document that discussion, then every one of them needs to report it to HR.
To top it off it’s not even his etl that threw threats they crossed the line even more.
Also it’s not our problem stuff isn’t getting’s not like people are standing there doing nothing and no way in hell is it possible to have fucking time to do salesplanner on a double truck and price change and auto fills. You need more people for that like getting rid of price change was stupid.
In all seriousness it sounds like poor planning from your management team. They can see a lot of the workload days before- if not weeks. It shouldn’t be a “get truck, PC, pogs, autos, etc. etc. etc.” done in one day. You should have a solid routine in place that works for YOU and the other tasks are worked on throughout the week. Half of my job is strategizing how to get things done with the people you have for the day. You should never feel this stressed/ depressed about work. If someone struggles the ETL should be finding ways to remove obstacles, provide training, whatever, to help you. If you still can’t get anything done, then you know you need help from other team members/ the ETL/or preferably a TL.
Wait so how

By performance out what do you mean
Performancing out is when they put you on CCA after CCA until you are on a final and then write you up one last time and term you. The process takes a while, so if someone gets more than one CCA it may be time to start looking for another job. If they really want to get rid of someone they can write them up for the tiniest mistakes, or apparently by putting their own spin on things, like writing someone up either for taking too long looking for an online order item, or for not looking long enough for that item and INFing it. Either way the TM ends up being written up. Some ETLs are just asshats, and if they have to blame others and sacrifice their jobs to save their own they will. Hope this doesn’t happen to you. Good luck!
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So, what do the other ETLs or your STL think of it this behavior? I mean, aside from being a) a total asshole move b) non productive ("the beatings will continue until morale improves" is a meme for a reason) and c) delusional in thinking anyone they bring in will magically be better, I would hope that the other leaders would not be at all thrilled with such tactics, unless they're all spineless or assholes (or both) themselves. If they aren't upset with this ETL and moving to shut it down, that is not a healthy place to be and I would look at transferring or finding a new job, in your shoes.
Yep transferring is exactly what I told the tm to be looking forward for...they can’t even find one mistake anyways because they have no reason to fire the team member if there so perfect they don’t miss any days of work or a day off what mistake are they gonna do for performance
So, what do the other ETLs or your STL think of it this behavior? I mean, aside from being a) a total asshole move b) non productive ("the beatings will continue until morale improves" is a meme for a reason) and c) delusional in thinking anyone they bring in will magically be better, I would hope that the other leaders would not be at all thrilled with such tactics, unless they're all spineless or assholes (or both) themselves. If they aren't upset with this ETL and moving to shut it down, that is not a healthy place to be and I would look at transferring or finding a new job, in your shoes.
They can’t even keep a team from not missing work and call outs our super high at my store but this team member has zero call outs so I would laugh if they try to even fire them there killing them selves to get stuff done so idk what’s the issue it’s not like there gonna find a person that has perfect everything anyways it is very rare at my store
Even transferring im so sure the other store would love to have this team member and this current store is gonna have the biggest loss
Following the ETL's logic, do they really expect to find vastly superior TMs out of the pool of new employees? "I'll just get all of my own hirees in here to do it the way I want" is kind of a beginners trap.

When you do get a solid employee that shows up on time for all shifts and works hard, hang on to them for dear life. Even if this incident doesn't sink them (it should), this ETL isn't long for Spot.
You keep talking about this other TM’s attendance but that has zero to do with performance. Great they come to work but how do they perform their job?
Exactly. Performance is how fast and accurate they are. How they treat guests. If attendance was an issue they would write him up for poor attendance. Luckily poor performance is a counseling, written, and final before term. Attendance is counseling, final, term.
Ohhhhhh I get it..yea he does a great job always doing everything that’s asked of.
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