Archived InStocks Frustrations

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Glad I'm not price trained and unlikely to be anytime soon. Then again, our newest instocks TM is and on her first day of instocks got pulled to help with their stuff. Second day she's kept longer on the truck because of call-ins and on the third, she's on her own scanning because I have to go push/flex toys because somebody decided toys are still "push all" despite there no longer being a toy team. That same day, another instocks TM has to fix a bunch of endcaps that are flexed over with a bunch of clearance but are still active aaand all the merch for them came in on the truck. Thank God they're not a new hire and already know a bit about researching. But still.

Meanwhile I'm about ready to teach myself some damn planogram stuff. Checklanes have been missing 90% of the ties for at least a month now and the POG TL just goes "guess we missed a revision ehehehe." So all those gift cards up front? All NOP so I need to jump through extra hoops to get more out. Same for updating counts.

Don't even get me started on the TM who gets pretty steady hours in instocks then turns around and tries to get them covered pretty much every weekend to the point where its a running joke at the store.
Sorry but I don't scan anything that is waiting for POG to fix, cause as long as I work around the mistake, they won't fix it.

I help price change about once or twice a year.. So trained is a grey area with what I know about price change.. Stuff got marked yesterday, if it was done under the right category? I have no idea..
i know this is an older post, you might not even be working instocks anymore but here goes how it works at my store: there are four instocks team members, during the week there are always three members working, on the weekend there are only two. we work from 7-1130 weekdays and 7-1230 weekends. usually from seven to eight we are helping flow team with whatever disaster of a flow they are working on (we have a very busy store so we always have shipments of over 200 [im told this is a lot, i dont actually know]) after we help flow we do our task list. not sure if task lists are all the same but here goes ours: monday is usually some hardlines research and random rigs, tuesdays is all of hardlines including grocery (we arent a super target so not much grocery) wednesday is some harlines (mostly end/side caps) grocery again for some reason and all of softlines, thursdays is usually a list of rigs, fridays is some research with another giant list of rigs, saturdays and sundays are usually a short list of rigs and a long day of shooting the store. if we complete the task list we go around the store and do independent research or standalone outs, or we fix the end/side caps since this task has been delegated to us. the four members, me included are fairly close and have been working together for four months, me being the newest, and the others only being there for a few months longer. but since we know each other so well, we have kind of come to an agreement that when backup cashier calls come over the walkie one guy will auto take it if no salesfloor tm has taken it. for some odd reason my fellow tm actually likes cashiering. also if backroom is lacking tm's or are just super busy with backstock, we have a instocks tm deligated to that task (usually always me) so we almost always do our own pulls, and our own backstock. i've been told we are one of the most efficient instocks teams in the district, while also being the busiest store. pda's were a big problem when i first started working since the mydevices were terrible, but over the last few months theyve actually gotten quite better.
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