Archived Interview attire for TL position

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Jul 23, 2012
Is there anyone out there that has gone through TL interviews recently that could tell me what the general attire was? I'm trying to figure out how formal I should get.
Ditch the damn red and Khaki, I wore a nice two button Charcoal dress coat, royal purple button up, light grey tie, black dress pants and polished black dress shoes. I'm sorry but if you are dressing to and Khaki are NOT going to cut the mustard. This would blow them away, even more so if your interview was at work and you changed just to attend the interview.
Nice, clean, red target-official shirt. I wore (at different interviews) the bullseye t-shirt like polo and the big white silhouette dog polo.
Thanks for the replies everyone! I ended up going with terminators idea and I think it worked. 🙂
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