Archived Interview attire?

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My store has an interview room, but I was interviewed in the training room. Our STL recently switched her office with the interview room, which is now much bigger.
If they were doing 'Mass Interviews' they should still have had separate areas to interview at. Very strange. At our store we use the ETL/STL offices as well as the TL tables if needed, but we wouldn't schedule so many at one time to fill all those.

Congrats on the job offer 😉

and maybe the store was having a job fair? to many interviews to little room.

flow is good. 4 am is nice you'll get out nice and early too.
Hmm, maybe there was a job fair but there was no adveristment posted anywhere in the store (entrance or anything). But you may be right!

It was awkward, to say the least. But hey I got the job so no complaints. :beach:
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