Archived Interview for Intern

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Feb 10, 2012
Hello everyone,

So I'm a college student that has worked at Target for a couple of years. Just recently I was interested in applying for the internship that Target does. After talking to the college recruiter and my STL, there's a possibility that I may have a chance to interview.

What kind of questions to they ask during the interviews? I understand that they may ask for leadership experiences, but what else do they ask for? Have any of you guys gone through the internship interviews or conducted the interviews? I would appreciate the advice.

I too am going to be going through this Internship but not until next summer. I researched it quite a bit online and you can find a lot of questions all over so I just made a list and practiced answering some. Most of the questions are like TL interviews or any promotional interview, a few are different though. Here are some possible ones off the top of my head:

Describe yourself

Why do you want to work for Target

If you’re not selected as an Intern, what are some positive takeaways

Tell me about a time you worked on a project

Tell me about a time you lead a team. What worked well

Tell me about your past accomplishments (school or work)

Tell me about a goal you didn’t achieve

Tell me about a time you were stressed and how you handled it

Tell me about a time you had to adjust to a situation quickly

Tell me about a time you had to make a difficult decision

Tell me about a time you had to motivate a team member

Tell me about a time you had a problem with a co-worker and how did you resolve it

Tell me about a time your leadership skills led you to make a bad decision

Very vague but if you research it online you can find a lot of helpful information, Good luck and if you do it this summer I would love to get some feedback!
Thanks AllThingsTarget101! Those look like great questions to practice from.
hey everyone I'm training to become a team leader and im trying my best to get prepared for the interviews so can anyone help me out with what type of question to expect

Is there a reason a site that aims to talk negatively about Target has useful information such as this?

they were the first site to publish ap best practive & spot was not able to shut it down. also, it like david vs goliath. spot wants to maintain a "postitive" image to their guests & tm's.
Hey! I was an intern. The program is competitive, and they want to see that you have some kind of leadership experience. In our group (60+ stores) there were 35 of us the summer I did the internship. That was out of around 400 individuals interviewed. Highlight leadership qualities on your résumé and have HIGH SCOPE responses to your questions (ex. I helped develop a youth group program rather than I lead a group project at school). All of my peers had some sort of background in leadership coming into the internship, whether it was as a shift manager with another employer or a leader of an extracurricular. These interviews are essentially your ETL interviews - they're looking for people who will be ready to place into role within the next year or so. These will be your first and last set of interviews before being placed into an ETL role.
I interviewed before VIBE, so my questions were all situational-based (tell me about a time when..). I'm not sure if they've changed since then or not.
I'd love to say that they ask about things other than leadership, but every question circles back to it in one way or another. Just keep that in mind when formulating your responses and stay FFF. Personality was also a big factor. If you have any other questions feel free to ask!
If you are in training, talk to your mentor. They can get the questions for you to help you prep! also has a few.
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