Archived Interview for TL tips/questions

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So, a couple of weeks ago, (around the beginning of the year) I was told by my ETL that they were going to try and get me into the DTL for an interview by the end of this month, beginning of next month. Of course, no one has done any interview prep with me over the past 3 months. Now, the ETL who was going to prep me has left Target, and one of our other ETL's is leaving soon as well. Our district is splitting up, so we're going to be in another district starting next month, with a new DTL. Suddenly, everyone is hush hush on me ever even getting an interview (considering no one ever prepped me anyway...). I'm starting to think I really shouldn't bother anymore. Trust me, I've been patient. I've been to busy to really even think about it, honestly. I'm starting to think that nothing is ever going to happen. Maybe its not.
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