Archived Introduction & Question

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Jun 30, 2013

So after a very boring day off, I managed to stumble across this forum. Been lurking for a couple hours, reading other peoples experiences, as well as some guides (I've been with Target for a year now, but still looking to improve). Anyways, what made me register is that I have a question regarding transfers. I'm planning on moving in a couple months and was wondering what the process for transferring was like. I'm going to talk to HR tomorrow, but I was hoping to get some input from here as well. Currently I work at a 4am PFresh store that takes 2000+ trucks MWF, and ~350pc food trucks WFSun. I was hired on as a Flow TM, but have since transitioned into a BRTM. I also do instocks TTh. Our store is also considered "ultra freaky," as volume and sales skyrocket like crazy during BTS.

I'm looking to move around September or October, but to be honest I'm scared about transferring to a less desirable store. My current team and TLs are pretty laid back and provide a stress-free work environment. I'm also worried about my hours at a different store; right now I'm guaranteed up to 40 hours every week.
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Greetings and salutations.

You need to find out what store you want to transfer to and if they have any openings.
Then talk to your HR.
I'm sure other folks can fill in the details better than I can from there.

You need to talk to your TL and ETL and let them know of your pending move which will require a transfer. Commiecorvus is right find the store you want to go to and do an "internal" app on EHR. Your TL and/or ETL will let HR know, but don't always depend on them to talk to HR so you should as well. HR's from both stores email each other various information on you and then the new store will call you for a phone interview, its more a formality and to get to know you. But its important you talk to your TL/ETL because they have to approve a transfer, and good HR will ask first if you talked to them beforehand.
The things the new store likes to know is attendance for the previous year, performance review rating, and anything else they need to know. Different stores ask different things.
You sound happy where you are and with your hours, you run the risk of losing sure.
Thanks guys. I talked to my TL, ETL, and HR today. They were all disappointed to hear that I was moving. My ETL said he had no problems signing off on my transfer, and HR said they would contact the store next month. Researchr, I am happy with this store and my hours. I'm taking a trip in about a month to where I would be transferring to so I can check out the store and talk to some people out there. My biggest fear right now is that it might be some ULV store where Flow only works from 7:30-10. Worst comes to worst I'll just pick up a second job. I do enjoy working for Target though.
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