Archived Is a pocket knife a weapon?

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I used to carry a small Swiss Army Knife when I was in hardlines, just because actual box cutters were so goddamn rare at my store at the time. But from an AP standpoint, while I personally don't care about knives, the general rule of thumb I tell others is that if Target didn't give it to you, don't carry it.
I have a Kershaw Blur, sorry Spot but I'm not going to be outside closing carts by myself with nothing on me.
This is pretty obviously an ASANTS question. If you're using it while you're on the clock, that's not okay. It took Target forever to switch to semi-ergonomic blades that don't slice your clothing and fingers, use them.
For some TMs, even their stench is a weapon.
There once was a female cashier like this and my mom could not stand to be on the lane next to her. We went to and sent HQ a nice little note about her. A few days latter I saw her coming out of the HR office crying. We really did not know what to do. Just glad was not my TM and thus I did not have to speak to her about her BO.
There once was a female cashier like this and my mom could not stand to be on the lane next to her. We went to and sent HQ a nice little note about her. A few days latter I saw her coming out of the HR office crying. We really did not know what to do. Just glad was not my TM and thus I did not have to speak to her about her BO.
A 'nice little note'? To HQ?!
If she came out in tears, it must've not gone too well.
Did your HR try to learn some backstory on the woman?
Target pays crap wages; maybe she was too poor to afford basic toiletries.
Some folks have problems with excessive sweat & the most effective treatment is Botox injections; not an option on spot's pay.
Some health conditions can cause excessive B.O. but it's hard to see a doctor about it when you don't even qualify for benefits.
I've been broke as a mofo, but nobody ever had to smell me.

Just saying...
Probably took one look at that axe of yours & thought better of it.
If you combined that with a career in cuisine, that would be an epic cooking show.
Think: Barbarian Cooking - roast lamb edition.
First, you go out into a field....
When I'm off I wear a esee 3. Under state law I can legally conceal carry it. To me, it is a tool I use along with my multitool and flashlight I carry in a open top pouch on my opposite side.
One day I forgot to take it off and leave it in the car. Halfway through the day my ETL AP approached me and asked me what was on my belt. I explained that I forgot to take it off and exposed it to him. He asked why I was carrying a weapon? No matter what my explaination was of personal reasons or the law, he did not accept it and told me he wouldn't say anything if I immediately took it off and put it away. I even asked him what the difference was with my PMT carrying a folding knife of the extact same size, no logical response came to fruition.
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Used to carry a box cutter of my own cause I was sick of getting cut by the jiffy cutters, and later fed up with the lack of fresh blades (or cutters in general) for the new box cutters we have because equipment control used to be super lax at my store. ETL-AP and past APTL had no problem with it, they knew it had more safety features (blade lock to prevent kiddos from easily opening it) than what we were provided at the time. Current APTL would have chewed me out over it if he hadn’t been the one to borrow it to open a networking cable, so I got off with “Uh, Spot considers that a weapon, just don’t let me see you with that again”. So very ASANTS, check with your APTL or ETL-AP. Seems silly when we sell pocket knives bigger than that to be concerned when 90% of the time it’s for opening boxes, and the other 10% of the time for personal safety outside of time at Spot.
Given how many people are dumbasses with the box cutters, I can see AP being more concerned about someone using a weapon on themselves than someone else and having to report an injury, but that might just be my store. I have a swiss army knife in my purse, but don't carry it with me in the store. If I needed a screwdriver or something and couldn't find one (the electronics boat usually has some) I might fetch it, and not think anything of it.

Seriously, given how long it takes to get a swiss army knife blade out, anyone you intended to harm would already be down from laughter, so hardly a threat.

In all seriousness, though, in the case of something like the Esee, I could see AP not being worried about TMs using them as weapons, but someone grabbing it off your belt and trying to hurt someone with it or something like that.
I found an abandoned jacket once, and when I picked it up to take to lost and found it was way too heavy and unbalanced. There was a folding pocketknife in one pocket. When I got to guest services I mentioned the pocketknife since it could fall out of the pocket and if the guest came looking for the jacket they'd probably want the knife as well, but GS flipped out when I mentioned the knife. So apparently a pocketknife is A Very Big Deal.
No longer with target, but so many people used pocket knives at my store. Now that I'm with costco, even some of my managers carry pocket knives. So I got myself a nice Benchmade Griptillian and use that as my blade at work, use it almost daily. I carry a gerber box cutter when I'm around members though.
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