Archived Is everyone getting their breaks? General Question

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While I agree that the person telling the story was a tool, if I am off the clock I'm out the door. Either we are walking out or I'm punching back in. It's my time Mr. Hand.

It is perfectly legal to hold an employee for (up to 1.5 hours I believe) in all but 4 or 5 states. You can whine about it all you want, and I personally disagree with it, but it's legal in 90% of the country. Complaining about being fired for whining about it, cussing out your boss, and violating company policy (several times), makes you a Joyful American, not a martyr. That guy/girl was a J.A., not a rightfully upset employee... as is the case with pretty much everyone within that news "article".
Its funny who replies to these posts. Obviously "company" people who have been brainwashed or far too much to lose (check to check employees). If you think we all work "on the clock" and get "all of our breaks" then you are on another planet. The link above was not the Huffington Post article. The HP posted about a lawsuit that was filed 6 days ago. Hardly outdated. I don't get why some (the minority) of these readers feel the need to pain this rosey picture of Target and pretend that everyone is getting their proper breaks etc. But whatever, I am sure it will be same group that claims that our economy is perfect and the housing market is booming (yet you rent vs own).
John, John, John, everybody here knows I'm no FOS (friend of spot) so when I say your accusation of posters being 'company' shills is offputting you can take it as gospel.
I'd say 95% of the folks who post here are genuine and just trying to live in the bowels of spot like the rest of us.
Sure most of them live paycheck to paycheck but they aren't cowards.
There's a big difference between choosing to skip a break because you want to and being told to (I've done done the former and have never dealt with the latter).
There's no call for name calling or getting all antsy about folks disagreeing with you.
The article was interesting right enough but meh.

You want to talk seriously about the state of the economy and the what we can do to fix it, I'll met you over in the Occupy thread.


If you're looking for something to rally TM and get them organized, might I suggest hours and measly pay raises.
Even ridiculously low staffing levels that require people to muti-task to the point of exhaustion would be a better place to start.
I know that neither one has legal traction is that's your goal but I'm all for getting a union in the house.
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Its funny who replies to these posts. Obviously "company" people who have been brainwashed or far too much to lose (check to check employees). If you think we all work "on the clock" and get "all of our breaks" then you are on another planet. The link above was not the Huffington Post article. The HP posted about a lawsuit that was filed 6 days ago. Hardly outdated. I don't get why some (the minority) of these readers feel the need to pain this rosey picture of Target and pretend that everyone is getting their proper breaks etc. But whatever, I am sure it will be same group that claims that our economy is perfect and the housing market is booming (yet you rent vs own).

I don't understand why some people feel the need to complain about everything, life is too short to be so upset about everything all the time. Working at Target is voluntary, nobody has a gun to your head, so if you don't like it, find a new job. If you can't find a new job, well then maybe you should just suck it up and make the best out of things.

Was the guy in the original HP article jobbed? Probably, certainly sounds like it, but I don't know the whole story and you're kidding yourself if you think that's the whole story. However, the second link mostly sounds like a bunch of bad employees and/or liars.
right just get a new job

So you work for a company for 15 years, and put your heart and soul into it, trying to make it a better place. Then you get a moron that comes in as your manager, 20 years your senior, who knows nothing about management and suggests you can take your breaks when convenient for the company or make it up later but keep working and now I go "find another job" because I don't like it. Obviously the last post was from one of those managers.

I am not going to find another job. I am staying right here and I am getting my retirement. I will also stand up for my rights. That response is exactly why I chose to stand up for the ones that feel weak against the administration of a company that doesn't treat people well. I am NOT going anywhere pal, I will make a difference even if I have to get legal help to do so.

Why don't you get another job.
So you work for a company for 15 years, and put your heart and soul into it, trying to make it a better place. Then you get a moron that comes in as your manager, 20 years your senior, who knows nothing about management and suggests you can take your breaks when convenient for the company or make it up later but keep working and now I go "find another job" because I don't like it. Obviously the last post was from one of those managers.

I am not going to find another job. I am staying right here and I am getting my retirement. I will also stand up for my rights. That response is exactly why I chose to stand up for the ones that feel weak against the administration of a company that doesn't treat people well. I am NOT going anywhere pal, I will make a difference even if I have to get legal help to do so.

Why don't you get another job.

If you think the company treats TM so poorly, then why did you stay for 15 years? And like Hardlinesmaster asked you in another reply, what is your position at spot?
So you work for a company for 15 years, and put your heart and soul into it, trying to make it a better place. Then you get a moron that comes in as your manager, 20 years your senior, who knows nothing about management and suggests you can take your breaks when convenient for the company or make it up later but keep working and now I go "find another job" because I don't like it. Obviously the last post was from one of those managers.

I am not going to find another job. I am staying right here and I am getting my retirement. I will also stand up for my rights. That response is exactly why I chose to stand up for the ones that feel weak against the administration of a company that doesn't treat people well. I am NOT going anywhere pal, I will make a difference even if I have to get legal help to do so.

Why don't you get another job.

Who ever said you shouldn't get your breaks? I challenge you to find a single quote in this thread that says:

A - You don't deserve your breaks
B - You shouldn't get them according to the law

You come off as a complainer, extremely quick to judge, black/white view of everything, and bitter about the fact that you've failed to advance the way you would like. Deal with it, that's life. If you don't like your job, leave it; if you want your retirement, then stay. I don't really care one way or the other nor, based upon your attitude (nothing to do with your right to get your breaks), would anyone at your store.
Sounds like you have some legitimate frustrations.
Seems like you have one serious solution my friend, organize.
If you think the company treats TM so poorly, then why did you stay for 15 years? And like Hardlinesmaster asked you in another reply, what is your position at spot?
Hmmm, j a skipped me again. He said he wasn't a lawyer. Spot isnt mentioned in his posts. I will ask again.
I am not certain if he works as tm for spot.
hi all...i work flow 4am and have only worked a few first day i heard the tl saying he was working on giving breaks and then he never said anything to me....2nd day no mention of breaks...i only worked 4-8am so i should get a 15min one said anything to me and i had things to do so didn't make a big deal of it...i am a smoker and wouldn't mind taking a smoke break...should i ask to take my break or just go take it? no one working around me has seemed to take a break so not sure how this process works?!
Flow takes their breaks at the same time. My store has a schedule which makes them work 3 hours before their first break, which I disagree with. I always divide my work time equally. There will be some TMs that will choose to skip their breaks, but that's just dumb. Target is paying you to sit down and do nothing! If I were you, I'd talk to the fellow smokers. I bet they take their breaks!

Also, I read earlier in the thread that the 7 hour rule is based on time worked, not scheduled. Is this true? Pretty sure the poster says scheduled.
At my store (It's not a real big one) everyone is responsible for when they take their breaks/lunch most of the time ( some days the times are assigned, cashiers and ca always have assigned times) but as long as someone is one the floor, we just tell a TL or ETL we are taking (whatever we are taking) and they say ok. I myself usually dont take the second 15 as well. too much to do so little time.
One time my SrTL said people that didn't take their break missed it. I laughed.
Dang, I've been coached for skipping a 15 before. My store won't let us skip any breaks. We have to take them all on time or we get in trouble. Some days I wish I could skip them.
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