Is intermittent leave still a thing?

Feb 6, 2017
Short story long, I need flexibility/protection from coachings when it comes to scheduling and I don't accrue sick time fast enough. One of my kids has therapy appointments that are scheduled last minute on a week-to-week basis by the place we go to until they are able to give a dedicated time slot to them.

My TL does their best working with me to move my shifts around but I've had to turn down appointments because of "business needs". It's literally taken double digit weeks to get the ball rolling for my child and I'm incredibly frustrated.

If intermittent leave isn't a thing that's done anymore or not the right thing to ask for, can someone point me in the right direction? My ETL-HR had given me wrong information on other things in the past so I don't have much confidence in what they would say.

Thanks for reading and whatever help/advice!
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They are. Call the leave and benefits number, it might fall under medical condition, child, then the timing would be intermittent.
Yes, you want to ask about intermittent FMLA for the care of a family member. The leave and benefits team should be able to help. You will need to provide documentation to support your need, but that isn't very hard.

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