Archived Is it just me

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is it just me or is my store hurtling headlong into civil war TM vs TM, TL vs TL, TL vs TM its insane. also the snitches are invading my store as well, all seasonal pricks too
I heard thru the grapevine one of our seasonal tm's, asked our tl to take a certain person off the wave cause he said he didn't know what he was doing. My tl said no. I think this asshole was talking about himself! He is a self important blowhard and I pray he isn't offered a job. Little does he know the seasoned tm's don't like working with him! I love it!
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how etls are recruiting snitches? In my store they are actually pulling people in the office and trying to get them to throw other tms under the bus...Ie comments they have overheard other tms make about leadership etc. I also know for a fact in my store one of the seasonal hires goes around eaves dropping then reports back to them....

Worst. Management. Method. Ever.
The sad thing is...the things this person overhears....they are taking things out of context and not hearing the whole conversation before they go and blab a etl
Is it just me ... would you think a Target would at least carry Hanukkah candles?
Now I understand this isn't New Jersey where there was an entire aisle but an endcap maybe or one shelf?
We actually have a lot of stuff for Hanukkah....and boxes of candles!
the sign says "Happy Hanukkah" where is the sign that says "Merry Christmas" nowhere at Target ,,,,,, WTF the jews rule but christians just suck, lol and don't even get me started with Kwanzi.

Our merry Christmas sign replaced the "Happy Thanksgiving" sign over the check lanes.....funny how the Happy Thanksgiving sign was removed before we opened on Black Thursday.
Or is the season horrible?? Maybe it isn't at your store but my store it is a disaster...... Guests at extra angry the newbies are extra clueless ( seriously who hires them) I will be so glad when the season is over......
Or is the season horrible?? Maybe it isn't at your store but my store it is a disaster...... Guests at extra angry the newbies are extra clueless ( seriously who hires them) I will be so glad when the season is over......
etls stupider than normal. seriously telling meto drop a exf batch at 4.30 pm. when our normal electronics push hasnt been touched, let alone the 4 carts of reshop. the ame etl typed in a credit card # from a phone earlier. after I said no, way to have our backs. I am seriously starting to think she doesnt have a brain. Sorry rant over its been a lonnnnng day.
Typed in the credit card # for what purpose?

I'll do it if they want me to lookup a receipt on the card, and return merchandise to the card.

I'll also punch in their redcard # so they can make a payment to it.

I won't do it so they can purchase something.
I refuse to manually key CC #s without the card present. I had a guest try to pull that once -- "Well, I don't have it with me but I know the number." It's like, 16 digits. Just way too suspicious for me.
There's no reason they'd want to pay someone elses bill, or return money to someone elses card. That's why I'll type it in under those circumstances. They're not charging the card.

Other day a guest brought in part of the bill for his wife's card, but not the part that had the barcode I needed. I told him he could call his wife, get the #, and I'd type it in so he could pay the bill.

I see no issue with doing that.
Typed in the credit card # for what purpose?

I'll do it if they want me to lookup a receipt on the card, and return merchandise to the card.

I'll also punch in their redcard # so they can make a payment to it.

I won't do it so they can purchase something.
thats what happened , and it didnt have her name anywhere in the pdf. so i am pissed cause it was like $200 and im pretty sure it was fishy. she admitted to going to new cashiers to do it, so thats like not suspicious at all. let alone this etl was etl-ap at another store.
I was to busy being creeped by the headless santas to notice if there was a merry Christmas sign. And it isn't just me, my kids agreed they were creepy.

I've never seen Hanukkuh candles in the store, not even ones that fit the menorahs we sell on the token end cap.
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