Archived Is it the new norm to have to zone 15+ aisles in a few hours?

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I’m the DBO of Sporting Goods, Toys, Auto, Luggage, and ASOTV at my store and I’m expected to zone all of it which is about 55 isles in at least an hour and a half. I zone as I go because my trucks are so heavy but as long as things are kept relatively straight the zone is a lot easier everyday. Only tip to make things easier is the good ole pull two to the front and move on...and hit the end caps.
I’m the DBO of Sporting Goods, Toys, Auto, Luggage, and ASOTV at my store and I’m expected to zone all of it which is about 55 isles in at least an hour and a half. I zone as I go because my trucks are so heavy but as long as things are kept relatively straight the zone is a lot easier everyday. Only tip to make things easier is the good ole pull two to the front and move on...and hit the end caps.
It really depends on how stringent the requirements are. For me personally, I might try to hard too make it good more than just visually, but that just takes longer and makes the boss man/woman wonder why it's taking so long. If you want your store to essentially stay messed up and only superficially look nice for a few hours, be my guest.
It really depends on how stringent the requirements are. For me personally, I might try to hard too make it good more than just visually, but that just takes longer and makes the boss man/woman wonder why it's taking so long. If you want your store to essentially stay messed up and only superficially look nice for a few hours, be my guest.
I leave deep zones for non truck days. So my counters are correct. That’s what makes it so much easier to pull to the front cause normally what you are pulling to the front is already in the right spot.
I leave deep zones for non truck days. So my counters are correct. That’s what makes it so much easier to pull to the front cause normally what you are pulling to the front is already in the right spot.
I would hope so but my store is usually such a mess you can never be sure. No time to deal with that though. You can do a little bit of good clean up each time, but just making it look nice is the most important thing apparently.
We’d think that was easy at our store. Four hours to zone two full blocks and reshop and backing up and defects and guest service.
Hi all.

I recently transferred to a new target. All my shifts are closing ones and I am expected to zone at least 10 aisles a night in 4 hours. Not counting re shops, back stocking, helping guests, cashier, etc. I see the other TMS on their phones while I am scrambling for 4 hours to zone and it still isnt perfect. I didnt have to do this at my old target (it was even smaller than this one). Is this the new norm? I was out of work for 5 weeks before I came to this one. Also, how can I zone super fast? It is feeling overwhelming. Thank you! 🙂
It doesn't have to be perfect just presentable for the next morning , don't over do it pull a few items up not everything
This sounds like heaven. I usually have to zone 2 sections, one with 50 aisles and one with around 40. T-T
When I was hired on as a hardlines TM years ago, I had to do two blocks in 5 hours. A1-51 and B1-42. With go-backs, covering breaks, back up, etc. It sucked, but it was doable.
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