COVID-19 Is Target doing enough to protect employees from getting coronavirus ?

Guests keep stealing the wipes I put in the OPU hold location for fulfillment and GS's use. Fulfillment touches absolutely everything in the store (except registers). We need the wipes for a quick clean of our carts between batches. I'll be damned if anyone at the store ever tells me I can't requisition more. Should have thought of that before giving me supervisor access to the registers.
Instead of wasting time why not just grab some sanitizer off the shelf, fuck the requisition. Why not grab some petty cash and go to Harbor Freight and buy some gloves. Screw their bureaucratic bullshit. Grow some balls and just do it.
My thought is this: if you feel unsafe, don't work at Target. You have to weigh your health (both physical and mental) against your financial needs. I wear gloves, wipe down my equipment and keep my distance as much as possible. I need the paycheck and am beyond grateful that I have the opportunity to keep working when so many don't.
Yes yes yes. How many times does it need to be don't have to work at Target if you don't feel safe. I too am grateful I can still work when so many others have to file for unemployment. Is it perfect working conditions? No but it is best it can be under these conditions. STOP COMPLAINING
So what is the solution for team members working in guest facing areas like the Front End and the team members on the sales floor? Everyone is doing what they can to protect themselves and the team. There’s no where anyone can go or do to be 100% not potentially exposed. If you’re that scared and concerned (not criticizing you for feeling that way) there are resources for you to help with that. Take a leave if that doesn’t help.
If there is inadequate PPE during a health crisis the labor board will turn the thumb screws down tightly. The Corporate Drones don't give a rats ass about store level employees. Take it upon yourself to stay safe and protected.
No I want to do my job with-out public interaction which can be done during non business hours since I unload trucks and stock. And if cashiers are getting glass partitions that would be a good step also.
I believe they announced on 3/22 that Target and Krogers will be getting the Plexiglas sneeze partitions. My local grocery store had them installed last night (3/26). Target not so much. They did get the stickers for the floor but no Plexiglas.
Oh my word. Quit if you feel so strongly about it. I've said to others that everyone needs to do what's right for them, and so do you.
Our unload has moved up an hour so we get more done before the store opens - more to be ready for guests than to protect us. My state is hit pretty hard with this, although my area is not, at least not yet, and people are mostly being compliant with shelter-in-place and social distancing so it doesn't get worse. If your area isn't, then do some polite reinforcement.
Maintain social distance, wash your hands, and keep your hands away from your face. Some of my store's TMs have taken to wearing gloves but then I see them touching their faces with gloved hands - sorta defeats the purpose. Others are big on wiping down the u-boats but then we all touch everything in the store so I see little point in it, but I keep my mouth shut. And wash my hands and don't touch my face unless I've just washed.
Oh my word. Quit if you feel so strongly about it. I've said to others that everyone needs to do what's right for them, and so do you.
Our unload has moved up an hour so we get more done before the store opens - more to be ready for guests than to protect us. My state is hit pretty hard with this, although my area is not, at least not yet, and people are mostly being compliant with shelter-in-place and social distancing so it doesn't get worse. If your area isn't, then do some polite reinforcement.
Maintain social distance, wash your hands, and keep your hands away from your face. Some of my store's TMs have taken to wearing gloves but then I see them touching their faces with gloved hands - sorta defeats the purpose. Others are big on wiping down the u-boats but then we all touch everything in the store so I see little point in it, but I keep my mouth shut. And wash my hands and don't touch my face unless I've just washed.

Yep I get told all day "put gloves on" Nope. For exactly that reason, I am way more conscious of where my hands are and keeping them away from my face.
It will be nice if they set a limit of customers that can come in. Also, since people are supposed to be out for essential things, just open the areas that seems essential. I see a few customers take advantage just hanging out especially in the clothing area. Or hanging out by toys. Seems like some are not there for what we think is essential.
My thought is this: if you feel unsafe, don't work at Target. You have to weigh your health (both physical and mental) against your financial needs. I wear gloves, wipe down my equipment and keep my distance as much as possible. I need the paycheck and am beyond grateful that I have the opportunity to keep working when so many don't.
In almost any other situation we could be talking about, I would agree. However I don't think it's fair to have that dismissive attitude towards someone who has very real concerns about their health in the middle of a worldwide pandemic which is something none of us have ever experienced before. Little is known about the virus at this point, so all we have to go by are the very few behaviors of this virus that have been identified but even then, everything that is known leaves a considerable amount of uncertainty. Nobody deserves to be stereotyped for expressing their fear about what the future holds with COVID-19
Uh, no. If the team won’t come in they can’t go overnight. If none of the leaders will come in they can’t go overnight. If their area requires permitting, they can’t go overnight.
Uh yes, all it takes is one phone call from minneapolis and it's a done deal. And it better happen soon since some medical experts are saying essential workers should be wearing masks and gloves in addition to washing hands regularly.
Uh yes, all it takes is one phone call from minneapolis and it's a done deal. And it better happen soon since some medical experts are saying essential workers should be wearing masks and gloves in addition to washing hands regularly.

Uh no it doesn't. Corporate can say "you're doing overnight" all they want. It's been ages since stores have actually had it, it is entirely possible that stores don't have enough people with the availability
It will be nice if they set a limit of customers that can come in. Also, since people are supposed to be out for essential things, just open the areas that seems essential. I see a few customers take advantage just hanging out especially in the clothing area. Or hanging out by toys. Seems like some are not there for what we think is essential.
We’re telling anyone clearly taking advantage to get to it and get what they came for or leave.
We’re telling anyone clearly taking advantage to get to it and get what they came for or leave.
Oh I would LOVE it if we could do that! My leadership are a bunch of wussies. Yesterday someone was trying to return some items and the closing Lead was being way too nice and patient when explaining to her why we couldn't take them back. Just say we are not taking things back, end of story. No no no no no no no.
Our store has a good supply of sanitary gloves for us. I've had to actually encourage some other SEGAs and other TMs to use the gloves for their own safety. My experience this week in my own store has been that our guests have been - for the most part - observing the social distancing requirements. Our store has a lot of signage and has placed things on the floor indicating the six-foot spacing. This compliance might be because our county was one of the first to experience a large number of COVID-19 deaths, mostly at a nursing home facility in Kirkland. I don't know if this "good behavior" will continue, but so far this is what I have observed.

As for the OP's question
Is Target doing enough to protect employees from getting coronavirus
, I'm unsure. If and when the Plexiglas sneeze partitions are installed, that will be a good thing even if it's largely symbolic. Our store has been very proactive in following directives to keep our store's surfaces clean particularly at SE where we are attempting to clean surfaces after each guest whenever possible, as well as regularly cleaning door handles and other front-end locations.
My store has been great with supplies of sanitizer, wipes and gloves for all tm’s. They have also been using lots of time for cleaning checkout areas, tsc, equipment etc. However, we have had daily huddles of 20+ shoulder to shoulder and push parties of 5-10 tm’s within the same aisle. Kinda freaks me out.
Oh I would LOVE it if we could do that! My leadership are a bunch of wussies. Yesterday someone was trying to return some items and the closing Lead was being way too nice and patient when explaining to her why we couldn't take them back. Just say we are not taking things back, end of story. No no no no no no no.
I’m in a state with a stay-at-home order, only essential businesses allowed to stay open; we’ve been told make anyone loitering around or hanging out or big groups to leave. The police lately have had a squad car hanging out in the lot for at least part of the day usually too.

As for the returns, we’ve denied them all, and trespassed someone who got loud about it. There’s literally a sign on the door and in front of every service desk register saying no returns; if you spent too much money on an SUV-load of toilet paper and are having buyer’s remorse you can fuck right off, you’re the reason we ran out of shit, and when returns are allowed again I’m still going to deny your return 🖕🏻
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Even if truck is unloaded completely at night we still need employees on the floor and at the registers while we are open so I don't see why corporate would change truck unload hours. I'm so sick of seeing people wandering around like they're on holiday I can't stand it. People are stupid to be going out like they are...Italy had another 900 people die yesterday. Coronavirus is not something to be casual about. Protect yourself...wash your hands...don't touch your face...keep your distance. If you don't want to work then don't work but your health is up to you and not Target
Ok ...real scenerio..a newbie female is working with us 2 days ago, coughing her head off, I overhead another team member asking her if she is ok...yeah comes the reply my 3 kids are sick at home and I'm a bit under the weather but I need the ..she ends up going home halfway in the 8 today she is back, same shi t coughing, I ask her ...are u ok?..same story...I leave the area and tell my team leader what's up and I'm moving to a new spot away from newbie...ok go ahead he said..but where is the stop gap? She shouldn't be allowed to just punch in...if the useless Hr would've talked to her for 5 minutes she might have realized this person is putting the whole team in jeapody because of her selfishness..I am getting pissed off more day by day because there really is a lack of common sense and there are no protocals in place.
My store has been great with supplies of sanitizer, wipes and gloves for all tm’s. They have also been using lots of time for cleaning checkout areas, tsc, equipment etc. However, we have had daily huddles of 20+ shoulder to shoulder and push parties of 5-10 tm’s within the same aisle. Kinda freaks me out.
20 people on the sales floor? Doubtful, and all one aisle? Just as doubtful. There is not enough work for one aisle. Spread out, do several aisles at once. Grocery right? The extra time you spend will be worth it.

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