Oh my word. Quit if you feel so strongly about it. I've said to others that everyone needs to do what's right for them, and so do you.
Our unload has moved up an hour so we get more done before the store opens - more to be ready for guests than to protect us. My state is hit pretty hard with this, although my area is not, at least not yet, and people are mostly being compliant with shelter-in-place and social distancing so it doesn't get worse. If your area isn't, then do some polite reinforcement.
Maintain social distance, wash your hands, and keep your hands away from your face. Some of my store's TMs have taken to wearing gloves but then I see them touching their faces with gloved hands - sorta defeats the purpose. Others are big on wiping down the u-boats but then we all touch everything in the store so I see little point in it, but I keep my mouth shut. And wash my hands and don't touch my face unless I've just washed.