Is there any way to reprint a disposition label from guest returns?


Professional Badass
Jan 21, 2014
When processing damages through the item removal app you can look up past removals up to a certain time. If the guest service team member fails to put a item disposition label on an item is there any way to look up the correct disposition for the item or reprint the label?
There is a report on Greenfield under Assets Protection called Defective Reporting or some such that lists all the stuff defected out through MyDay (mostlym computers been real whack lately). Search by DPCI and once you find that item you can mabually type in the LP number into the Scan function of MyDay and it'll bring up the onfo for that LP. Then you can hit the three dots at the top and hit Reprint Label. I spend about 2-3 hours everday doing this because none of the leaders at my store think our TMs need any training and it's the only reason we're in a very snall minrity of stores Green on the new Salvage / CRC process. Hope this helps....
Scan the item in inventory removal then tap the 3 dots in upper right corner, tap view prior removals. If any pop up you can see who defected it and also reprint the label. If none show it hasn't been defected out recently. I do this a lot as a receiver since so many people surreptitiously drop items off at my desk or larger ones near my salvage pallet. You can also void a defective if need be.

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