Corporate Is there some sort of career track that allows team members to promote up to corporate?

Feb 13, 2025
I work as a part-time GM team member. In May of 2026, I will graduate with a bachelor's degree in financial accounting. I would love to have a job lined up when I graduate, so I'm curious to know if there's a way for me - as a Target employee - to secure an accounting job with corporate upon completion of my degree.
Create an app that's better than the current myday app in nearly every way, so that it becomes widely used among TMs and the public alike, spam the REAL mydevices with ads for your app. Get recruited into corporate.
That's a pretty specific path though, and unlikely to succeed again.
I work as a part-time GM team member. In May of 2026, I will graduate with a bachelor's degree in financial accounting. I would love to have a job lined up when I graduate, so I'm curious to know if there's a way for me - as a Target employee - to secure an accounting job with corporate upon completion of my degree.
Corp is different from store level.

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