It is time to head out....

Rock Lobster

Executive Team Leader
Jun 11, 2011
Hey Everyone!

As I am sure most of you can tell, I have dropped down my activity on TBR for the last year and there is a reason for that. While I could rant in this post and give huge long drawn out explanations as to everything behind this, I will instead try and keep it short.

I am leaving Target to pursue a career in Purchasing/Supply Chain Management with a fantastic company! This is a M-F 40 hours/week daytime position with all major holidays off and fantastic time off and retirement structure. While I will likely tell most people that I found this position and I just couldn't turn it down (and am regretting leaving Target), this isn't really true. While I am very excited to take this role, I started looking because I realized how much I disliked Target. I looked back and realized that I used to come into work and be excited for my day. I was excited to drive results, see my team, have a great work-life balance and even was excited to see my district and above leadership teams to show off my talents. It was a slow disengagement, but I woke up after this last Q4 to realize that I didn't have any of those things anymore. Results were a struggle to drive because nothing was ever good enough, my team was tired of me cutting their hours and giving them unreasonable expectations, and as a salaried leader every year got worse and worse for payroll and my work-life balance continued to struggle. The upper leaders at Target would visit and never be happy, and it always became a point of stress that ANYBODY was in town checking out stores.

I realized that these are not the signs of a flourishing company. While Target is fighting the good fight in some ways, it can't help but misstep in its most important moments. Do I want to be around to continue to watch it metabolize its own resources from the inside to keep its stock prices afloat? Do I want to keep pushing this until leaving isn't on my own terms? I decided that now is the perfect time to leave, and I got lucky enough to find an employer that is much different than Target. As many of you know, I have been around since the old Breakroom, and I'm only sad to say goodbye because the team (in all stores) has been so helpful, and I know that I am leaving behind so many people in what I consider to be a tough situation!

Remember that $15/hour at 30 hours a week = $450
$14/hour at 35 hours a week = $490
$13/hour at 40 hours a week = $520

They might tell you that you are making great money, but make sure you step back and assess your options (and I'm assuming for many, 30 is generous).
@Rock Lobster wrote the book on instocks. His version showed up on workbench.
From 2012:
So who is Spot going to steal all their best ideas from now?
We'll miss your great posts Rock.

Rock, I honestly don't know what to say.
You've been a fixture in all the time I've been here & it's going to be hard to imagine you doing something else.
BUT, like many of us long-timers, you've seen changes that slowly erode what made this job exciting & challenging.
I hope you rekindle that excitement in your new career & put your talents to use where they'll be appreciated.
Don't look back but give us an update here & there; we love success stories 🙂
Hey Everyone!

As I am sure most of you can tell, I have dropped down my activity on TBR for the last year and there is a reason for that. While I could rant in this post and give huge long drawn out explanations as to everything behind this, I will instead try and keep it short.

I am leaving Target to pursue a career in Purchasing/Supply Chain Management with a fantastic company! This is a M-F 40 hours/week daytime position with all major holidays off and fantastic time off and retirement structure. While I will likely tell most people that I found this position and I just couldn't turn it down (and am regretting leaving Target), this isn't really true. While I am very excited to take this role, I started looking because I realized how much I disliked Target. I looked back and realized that I used to come into work and be excited for my day. I was excited to drive results, see my team, have a great work-life balance and even was excited to see my district and above leadership teams to show off my talents. It was a slow disengagement, but I woke up after this last Q4 to realize that I didn't have any of those things anymore. Results were a struggle to drive because nothing was ever good enough, my team was tired of me cutting their hours and giving them unreasonable expectations, and as a salaried leader every year got worse and worse for payroll and my work-life balance continued to struggle. The upper leaders at Target would visit and never be happy, and it always became a point of stress that ANYBODY was in town checking out stores.

I realized that these are not the signs of a flourishing company. While Target is fighting the good fight in some ways, it can't help but misstep in its most important moments. Do I want to be around to continue to watch it metabolize its own resources from the inside to keep its stock prices afloat? Do I want to keep pushing this until leaving isn't on my own terms? I decided that now is the perfect time to leave, and I got lucky enough to find an employer that is much different than Target. As many of you know, I have been around since the old Breakroom, and I'm only sad to say goodbye because the team (in all stores) has been so helpful, and I know that I am leaving behind so many people in what I consider to be a tough situation!

Remember that $15/hour at 30 hours a week = $450
$14/hour at 35 hours a week = $490
$13/hour at 40 hours a week = $520

They might tell you that you are making great money, but make sure you step back and assess your options (and I'm assuming for many, 30 is generous).

Good Luck to you! I have made the same decision myself after this past fourth Quarter. I submitted my notice this past Friday after accepting an offer in for an HR position in a local Healthcare organization. Leaving for many of the same reasons that you are. #2020yearofchange #Targetisnotthesame
Yay Rock!
Although I’ve been spot free for several years, it really was the toughest decision to make at the time. I agree whole heartedly with your post about becoming disenfranchised. I know you’re going to be successful at anything you do! Best of luck!!

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