I've been on LOA since May of 2014

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Sep 25, 2015
I got a real career job, and what not, and I know I still technically work at target because I never got my vacation hours cashed out or whatever. I also have sick hours. Is it possible for me to ask to be put back in the system, but never go just call out so I can use my sick hours WHICH I AM ENTITLED TOO. Then you know quit to get my vacation hours, since I heard starting January I wouldn't get them if I was fired/quit
I'd work a few shifts so Target doesn't try to tell you aren't an employee, and therefore not entitled to your sick/vacation pay. Work a day or 2, use your sick pay, and then give notice.
don't you get your vacation pay, if you are fired/quit before jan 2016? That I am entitled too.
or I could do 1 No call no show, I am never wearing red and khaki again, I wear a suit to work right now, then use sick hours?
I work as a paralegal, I know what I'm entitled to and how to use the system of anything to my advantage. That's how you win at life. Playing by the rules vs knowing how to work a system in your favor. Do tell me which will get you further.
Do you have documentation to confirm that Target considers you on LOA and that you have banked sick leave/vacation time? Then march yourself in to Target and take care of it! If you know that which you are entitled, why ask?
You have a "real career job" so just suck it up and make do without those few extra dollars of vacation pay instead of going back to your store, taking hours somebody who actually works there could use then fucking people over when you call in.
How long did you work at target before you went on LOA? It seems you're just trying to take advantage. As @SFSFun said, you would only be entitled to your vacation time in certain states. I think, by your attitude, that you may not be thinking properly, hence why I asked how long you worked at Target prior to your LOA.
I had my shitty target job for about 2 years then went on LOA I said I had "summer classes" Added a summer class printed the schedule dropped it obviously and then they extended it and just never called me, but by that time I had my internship and graduated which became a real job and I walk into my target and just go eww I could never do this it's to many uneducated people. everyone the shoppers, the management the normal disposable employees
I still get these weird stupid red target checks every month, even though I haven't worked and dumb mail from target saying hey know your benefits so I am still employed lol
I find it ironic that you say there are too many uneducated people at Target, but you can't use the appropriate word, "too" and your grammar isn't dat good, yo.

Regardless, I hope you get what's owed to you. I disagree with your way of getting it, but if it's the only way, then so be it. More power to you.
I had my shitty target job for about 2 years then went on LOA I said I had "summer classes" Added a summer class printed the schedule dropped it obviously and then they extended it and just never called me, but by that time I had my internship and graduated which became a real job and I walk into my target and just go eww I could never do this it's to many uneducated people. everyone the shoppers, the management the normal disposable employees

Please do not call other people uneducated. In this post alone, over half the independent clauses are run on sentences that need periods. You haven't separated your pronouns and their antecedents by commas. You did not capitalize several words that needed capitalization.

I hope you have more compassion in the real world than you do online.

A real job is one that pays money. Period. No job is beneath anyone.

Having said all that, if you are on leave in Target's system, I believe you will get paid out your vacation. Not sure though. My advice would be to call team member services and find out.
I work as a paralegal, I know what I'm entitled to and how to use the system of anything to my advantage. That's how you win at life. Playing by the rules vs knowing how to work a system in your favor. Do tell me which will get you further.

You sound like the CEOs who fucked over our economy.

You have a "real career job" so just suck it up and make do without those few extra dollars of vacation pay instead of going back to your store, taking hours somebody who actually works there could use then fucking people over when you call in.


I had my shitty target job for about 2 years then went on LOA I said I had "summer classes" Added a summer class printed the schedule dropped it obviously and then they extended it and just never called me, but by that time I had my internship and graduated which became a real job and I walk into my target and just go eww I could never do this it's to many uneducated people. everyone the shoppers, the management the normal disposable employees

If you're so "educated" then allow me to kindly fix your entire quote here, bold being the bits I change.

look at me i'm a dick said:
I had my shitty Target job for about two* years, then went on an LOA. I said I had "summer classes". I added a summer class, printed the schedule, dropped it, obviously, and then they extended it and just never called me.** By that time, I had my internship and graduated, which became a real job. I then walked into my Target, and just went "Eww, I could never do this. It's too many uneducated people. Everyone: The shoppers, the management, the normal disposable employees...
*gramatically speaking, you do not use actual numbers in your text unless it is over three digits.
**This run-on sentence was getting ridiculous.
***I'm allowed to be gramatically incorrect as I'm not claiming to be oh so educated.

Then why ask our advice?
You obviously know what you should do.

Hey OP, people like you who are uppity are what's wrong with society. There's no such thing as a "real job". Every job is worthy.

There's many jobs that pay well in which you don't need a college degree.

Your job at Target was "shitty" because you didn't want or didn't have what it takes to move up.

FYI, the average ETL salary is higher than the average paralegal salary.
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OP, just call either your HR or HROC (1-800-394-1885).

I will say though, as someone who couldn't afford college, your remarks come off as condescending and extremely offensive. Please don't judge those who may be in the same boat.
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I had my shitty target job for about 2 years then went on LOA I said I had "summer classes" Added a summer class printed the schedule dropped it obviously and then they extended it and just never called me, but by that time I had my internship and graduated which became a real job and I walk into my target and just go eww I could never do this it's to many uneducated people. everyone the shoppers, the management the normal disposable employees

Just so you are aware, a paralegal is an administrative assistant, a glorified paper pusher. Your median average salary is $47,000 a year and that's for people that have been doing there job for some time now. You have been doing it for a year? Target is a real job and career for a lot of people. I was offered an ETL log for 60k a year and my husband was offered 82k a year for a group leader position, I would say that's a real job. A suit doesn't mean jack sh*t anymore, corporate culture at a lot of Fortune 500 companies embrace wearing jeans and t shirts.

You sound young and naive, you will learn. Good luck in your career, I hope the economy doesn't shut out the demand on 2 year paralegal degrees and demand for 4 year legal assistant degrees; you might be in a pickle then (but don't worry, you can work at target again).
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