Even I corrected a cashier about the "rewards card" speech.. Its not rewards card, but you can earn rewards from paying for prescriptions in the pharmacy with your red card.
To bad the in store pharmacy doesn't actually stock the drugs I am scripted for.. But then I don't know I want spot to know what I am taking..
This is NOT true. Your Pharmacy Rewards account is
not linked to your RedCard unless
you actually link it and it's a completely separate program through the pharmacy, NOT the RedCard. You still earn the same reward whether you pay with the RedCard, cash, or even if you don't pay anything for your prescriptions (unless you have a government sponsored program-i.e. Medicare/Medicaid, military, government employee, etc.). And you can ask the pharmacy to carry your prescriptions, Corporate cannot access that information, it would be a violation of HIPAA for them to do so....