Lol "lader"My vote is no. Plus there is a misspelling of the word ladders. Plus, the safety issue.
I think they spelled Leader wrong,Has anyone heard of this??? How can we possibly make this happen?
All our big funkos and street dated books are on the bottom shelves, no way in hell would I climb a ladder with a heavy ass box of books.And what about the huge boxes of Funko pops that are received ahead of time to satisfy every collector within multiple states; or the dozen or more repacks of books that are street dated, to say nothing of transition merchandise and, come 4th quarter, Black Friday goods as well. This should be lots of fun...NOT
Active POGs are not sacrosanct! Fill outs with backroom product even if it is not the same category!
I see over push and no store ties leading to Ship INF-ing even more than they are now.
I always do a store tie so you can find it simple.Ummm......yikes
Yeah. If OPU doesn't know exactly where the hell something has been pushed to, well we have half an hour. I'll look around, but I'm not risking my goal time going red looking too long for flexed out product.
I always do a store tie so you can find it simple.
I haven't heard anything but we've barely had huddle in two weeks so....Heard Ladderless Backroom 2 weeks ago from our STL: Active POGs are not sacrosanct! Fill outs with backroom product even if it is not the same category!
I see over push and no store ties leading to Ship INF-ing even more than they are now.
Is anyone else doing this? I thought it was just our group in R400.
We send back as much as we can, helped a lot in plug.Don't see how this could happen in Small Appliance/Home, either.
Unless they let us start SWEEPing more stuff back....
Haha! That's the answer, send all the extra shit back to the DC!
And then... BTS, and Black Friday, and Xmas right around the corner...
Ladderless not going to happen, unless the DC (and whomever decides the OHs for a store) gets their shit together.