Archived Last interview tomorrow afternoon for ETL-AP

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Jun 22, 2016
Hey guys and gals,

This is for any current or former ETL's that had gone through interviews for the position:

I have gone through 2 phone interviews with the recruiter who found me via linkedin, 1 phone interview with an HR Business Partner, 1 Skype interview with a District Team Leader. BBI interviewing, simple stuff. My question is, when did you know you got it?

My last (hopefully) interview is tomorrow with another District Team Leader and an Asset Protection Business Partner via phone. Recruiter has been real vague (rightfully so) with when the process is nearing the end. Please help me out and I hope to be part of the Target family soon. Take care, everyone.

New York City
From another thread about etl interview:
The answer to your question(s) are pretty simple. During your interview be honest and yourself. They will ask you 4-5 situational questions (total of 3 rounds I believe) just to see what type of leader you are. Remember to paint them a picture because what they are looking for in each question that you answer is to be outlined in the following way:

Situation - how does your answer relate to the question
Example: tell me about a time you had to make a tough decison
You - During college ect..... <--- you are painting them a picture so tehy can visually see your answer.
Task - what did you have to accomplish/what what was the issue or problem
Action - how did you solve this issue/what steps were taken.
Result - what was the final outcome.

Overall be upbeat. During the interview don't EVER put yourself down. Even with the famous questions "what is one think your previous supervisor would change or say that you need to work on." Turn the question about to something like: "One thing my past supervisor would stay that I can improve is sometimes I tend want to help out too much. If I see someone struggling I always try and offer assistance." Remember to turn a weakness into a strength (sorry I just got off work so if a lot does not make sense please don't blame me lol).
Coolnite7, Yesterday at 8:48
From my knowledge, if you get through the 3rd interview and they tell you you'll be getting followed up with via a phone call - you pretty much got it.
Heck I honestly think for the most part at the point of the 3rd interview you've got it.

Anyways I went through my 3rd and was told so and so would be contacting me. Next day I had an email with a scheduled time for another call a week later - just like they did with my interviews. The call was just to explain business college and the basic onboarding stuff to me.
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