Archived Leaving on my own terms

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Promoted to Guest with a Smile
May 3, 2013
I have gone back and worth in regards to how this post was going to be written. This may be seen as egotistical, which I apologize in advance. I have been with the company for nearly a decade, which I never planned on being with Spot for so long. I have acquired my BBA while employed by Spot. The location has gone through its ups and its downs. It was a top performing store within the region consistently. Now, we are at the bottom. I have seen and trained too many people (to remember) throughout the years, some of which have become Team Leads and few in-between ETLs. I was a global performer, accomplishing tasks in Logistics and Salesfloor (FDC, Grocery and Hardlines).

7 STLs, 6 Log-ETLs, 8 BR-TLs, 2 FDC-TLs, 2 GRC-TLs, 2 HL-TL, are whom I've had the pleasure and displeasure of working for/against. However, as each year passed on, management's strategies and communication were inconsistent and have got worse and worse. I have attempted multiple times of moving up to make a difference for a positive impact. But over and over again I got denied. I worked on the areas of opportunity that the interviewers mentioned. The carrot was dangled in front of me. These last three years have become stressful going into work. Other TMs from other work centers have come to me seeking advice on what to do and how to be positive. It's sad that their leaders are failing at their job. People not trained properly or cared. I was the unofficial leader who ran the warehouse, flexible fulfillment, and worked with the salesfloor leaders like I was one. They hired a Backroom TL who barely had the qualifications to run and eventually started becoming unprofessional and caused TMs to transfer, quit or fired. Nonetheless, that TL eventually gotten fired. I've stepped up, only to be disrespected and misunderstood by the newer leadership STL brought in. I can't keep going through this, it's like I'm in an abusive relationship. So, when I put my notice in, upper management was not aware. They begged me to reconsider but did not want to re-negotiate. Too many false promises.

Oh well. Over the last 4 months, I was working part-time for a local grocer. Within a short time-frame, I received a promotion to a Department Manager, which was rewarded due to a positive impact. When I reduced my Spot hours, certain leaders got mad that I wasn't around to be the workhorse that I was. The grocer is continuing to expand as it becomes more successful. I am appreciative that I can go into work with an authentic smile on my face.

I am also thankful for most of the advice that I have gotten from TBR from our Logistics and Salesfloor experts.

I am getting out before the holidays, so I can dedicate my time to my grocer. It's time for me to get my smile back. I wish everyone still with Spot good luck and continue to be the leaders that Spot needs.

Target's goal to reduce hours below 30 is going to produce a LOT of similar stories. We are paycheck workers. Either my paycheck has increased or I did not get a raise. As they free up more time, then 2nd jobs will happily offer more.

The attrition will be the good employees. The dysfunctional ones will stay.
Target's goal to reduce hours below 30 is going to produce a LOT of similar stories. We are paycheck workers. Either my paycheck has increased or I did not get a raise. As they free up more time, then 2nd jobs will happily offer more.

The attrition will be the good employees. The dysfunctional ones will stay.
October 9, 2018
Target teams across the U.S. are getting ready for the most important (and fun!) shopping season of the year, and this holiday is expected to be one of our busiest yet.

To make sure we’re fully staffed and ready to serve guests during the holidays, we’re giving our current team members the chance to add the extra hours they want to their schedules

And we’re in the process of hiring more than 120,000 seasonal team members to help them out. All new hires will start at or above $12 an hour, be eligible for our compelling benefits, including our new appreciation program (read about it here) and lots more.
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