Archived Let's show support to T2050 in Jennings, MO

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I just don't see how burning down a QT gas station is going to bring back that dead kid or help the parents deal with their loss. It accomplishes nothing. Just think of the workers that can't work at that gas station now.

I just always smirk when some people no matter what race they are come off very selective on their so-called outrage on shootings when the shooter is a certain race. What does that say about society and humanity that we are more outraged when the shooter and victim(s) are not the same race than when they are the same race? Shouldn't victims of gun violence be mourned equally? Why do some get more attention than others?

And cops definitely need to be held accountable if they are guilty of profiling and brutality. The police state is getting out of control. Some cops are racist and do profile and it happens a lot. Society also plays a part in it. Just think of all the white gun advocates that have their rifles hanging around their shoulders in public and cops rarely give them trouble. Young black males can be walking down a street with no weapons on them but can be treated very harshly just for looking a certain way.
At the same time, human beings can make each other nervous by their behavior. I mean if someone makes you nervous because of their behavior and only their behavior, are you really a racist or just paranoid? I've been in public before and I've seen people from all races, ethnicities, genders, and everything else make me nervous because of their body language. Does that make me a racist or just paranoid? I genuinely don't mean to do it but I guess I just don't like being uncomfortable.
I think something a lot of people tend to not understand is the riots are not happening just because of the of the death of this kid, the shooting is merely the spark that set off the powder keg.

I just don't see how burning down a QT gas station is going to bring back that dead kid or help the parents deal with their loss. It accomplishes nothing. Just think of the workers that can't work at that gas station now.
I dunno, it sure seems to have everyone talking about the situation in Furgeson and has the president of the United States attempting doing something about it. Regardless of the outcome, I wouldn't call that accomplishing nothing.

In the bigger, long term, picture of it all (race relations) it probably won't accomplish much. However it seems to be helping the public become more aware of the militarization of our police forces which I hope also helps people realize why its been happening$
What goes around, comes around..this reminds me so much of the riots of the late 1960's. does anyone remember the Chicago 7? Or kent state? Brutal force by law enforcement, for what? protesting ones mind - as a song goes...

It all makes me sick..

On that note..stay safe Jennings target
I can understand why people are mad. I would be out there marching and calling for justice....but why are they looting stores? What justice will that bring ??!!!
Also since I'm talking about riots and unrest.. Did you ever notice that most happen in August.. My theory is that heat, unrest and boredom play a major role.
Other things that seem prevalent in August are broken bones and mishaps with kids.. Again I blame it on long summer vacations and boredom..summers are to long.. Get them back in school at least 3 weeks earlier.. Six weeks of vacation is plenty.

Just some of my observations over the years..
I can understand why people are mad. I would be out there marching and calling for justice....but why are they looting stores? What justice will that bring ??!!!
Looting goes along with rioting.. People get into a frenzy and it happens, I don't know why...
Most of the protesters are not rioting looting or setting stuff on fire. The small percentage of people that are starting trouble are hard to pick out of such large crowds which is why this is such difficult situation. At this point it would probably be for the better if the protesters held smaller indoor protests inviting members of the press. This would not only help their voices to be heard clearer by allowing them to speak without interference it would also make it easier to find the few "bad eggs" that are more interested in causing trouble then justice.
I think John Oliver pretty much nailed it.

With all due respect, all that you've cited are liberal leaning news websites, blogs, and satirical shows.

The only thing that truly upsets me about this case is the blind partisanship being displayed by hundreds of thousands of people who think that even though they weren't there, have little experience dealing with situations like this, and have probably never been in a gang or the Force, they are still entitled to make judgments on the case from the comfort of their armchair a thousand miles away. And that goes for both sides.

I know that the last time I respectfully disagreed with something you said, I had my post deleted and I was banned from posting in the thread, so I would expect no less here. But like barcode has said, there are crimes being perpetrated now that must be stopped, and by validating the arguments of the uneducated mob, it only serves to fuel a flame that should have never existed to begin with.
I think John Oliver pretty much nailed it.

With all due respect, all that you've cited are liberal leaning news websites, blogs, and satirical shows.

The only thing that truly upsets me about this case is the blind partisanship being displayed by hundreds of thousands of people who think that even though they weren't there, have little experience dealing with situations like this, and have probably never been in a gang or the Force, they are still entitled to make judgments on the case from the comfort of their armchair a thousand miles away. And that goes for both sides.

I know that the last time I respectfully disagreed with something you said, I had my post deleted and I was banned from posting in the thread, so I would expect no less here. But like barcode has said, there are crimes being perpetrated now that must be stopped, and by validating the arguments of the uneducated mob, it only serves to fuel a flame that should have never existed to begin with.

I've never deleted anything you've said.
As I've said before I'm a big believer in agreeing to disagree.

I also feel that people who are violent and hurt people should be arrested.
Of course that works for both sides.

There are ways of dealing with protests that don't include pointing guns at unarmed civilians.
When Amnesty International is sending observers you know something is very wrong.

But most of all I believe in supporting the innocent people who are trapped in the middle of this mess.
Like the people who work in the Target.
Like the people who have to go to bed every night smelling tear gas.
Like the little kids who are learning that if you see a police man you put your hands in the air and maybe, just maybe he won't shoot you.
John Oliver is the new Jon Stewart. A failed comedian posing as a news anchor/commentator. Anyways, people need to give this a rest. Or if they really want to start change, why not protest around government buildings? That's where the lawmakers and law enforcement reside. Burning down gas stations and hurting local businesses are not helping your cause. Cops are out of control these days and lately it doesn't matter what you race are. The police state is on steroids in America. Cops should be helping and protecting people instead of trying to make quotas which lead to promotions. Serve and protect. That means they serve and protect us, not themselves. But yeah America needs to fix itself. We have to stop selective outcry and outrage in gun violence. All victims should be treated equally.
John Oliver is the new Jon Stewart. A failed comedian posing as a news anchor/commentator. Anyways, people need to give this a rest. Or if they really want to start change, why not protest around government buildings? That's where the lawmakers and law enforcement reside. Burning down gas stations and hurting local businesses are not helping your cause. Cops are out of control these days and lately it doesn't matter what you race are. The police state is on steroids in America. Cops should be helping and protecting people instead of trying to make quotas which lead to promotions. Serve and protect. That means they serve and protect us, not themselves. But yeah America needs to fix itself. We have to stop selective outcry and outrage in gun violence. All victims should be treated equally.

...You can't pose as a commentator. While I won't judge the "failed comedian" remark, he's a public figure commenting on the news. There's no "posing" going on.

And I agree. While I don't believe they should be looting at all, honestly, if they feel the need to protest, riot, and loot, go start at the root of where the problems are. Go protest at the damn police station.
Its a schtick. Colbert is a fine example. He's a liberal playing a conservative political commentator. I just wish guys like Oliver and Stewart would own up to their biases. And no, I didn't vote for Obomney. 3rd party for me. I just don't like how someone's death is being perverted for political movements and agendas. We need to wake up and stop being so divisive. We also have to stop jumping to conclusions before having all the facts. When a minority is killed by a white person, why do we automatically jump on race? Isn't that in a way racist? And we also have to stop with the selective outrage. I would ask Al Sharpton "how do you feel about the daily shootings in Chicago and why aren't you there".
If the deceased and cop were the same race, would this be on CNN 24/7? Why does America thrive on race baiting? I mean we say we are against racism and inequality yet we love this stuff. It's just sad. Shouldn't the dead be mourned equally no matter who killed them?
The thread is talking about supporting a store in need, not the shooting event. Please stop now. They need our help. Support the spot team!
We all know that the workers at that Target store wouldn't even be worried about their own safety and sanity if certain things about the incident had been different. I just feel sorry for those team members. They are just innocent minions in the way. Just sad that an unfortunate tragedy like this can cause crap like this to happen. I mean I wasn't there but the kid probably shouldn't have been shot to death. Just a shame that an incident can change everything in a matter of seconds.
Poor decisions were made by all parties. Social media goes crazy. Support the spot team who can't go to work because of stupidity of others.
Hold the pay as you go phone. They can't go to work? Da fuh? Protesters and cops preventing them from entering the Target? If that's true, that is sad and very rude.
The police command center is located at spot parking lot. Based on limited info, we are not sure, if tm's were working at the store for a day or two.
Total disgrace in my opinion. I hate working at Target but messing people's only way of income is something the Ferguson police should be ashamed of. Those team members shouldnt have to deal with that drama. And luna831, you are right. The police state is out of control. Police using drones and tanks now to stop civilians. The cops are not and should never be used as a domestic military. They are suppose to serve and protect, not punish and enslave. And yeah a Transformers reference.
And no, I didn't vote for Obomney. 3rd party for me.

Not to say there's no third party candidates that would have made good presidents, but I just don't see the point in voting for such candidates regardless of whether you think they'd be a good president or not. They simply have no chance to win, voting for them is simply an exercise in futility, it's a wasted vote. Voting for the lesser of two evils seems better than futilely protesting while not actually achieving anything or accomplishing anything.
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