Archived Locked in the store!

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I've had one closing shift so far. There is not a whole lot going on that an LOD could not simply give an intercom call or a walkie call to end what you're doing and walk to the exit. Heck even folding clothes or putting up shelf items can be fixed by the opening crew. It's not like Target and guests all enter the building at 8 am.

Accounting for personnel is a universal duty in all functions of management. Even the U.S. Army does a headcount, god help it if a service member goes unaccounted for and is left behind. 😱
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We had a TM locked in the store recently...doesn't look like anything will happen to said LOD. The ETLs simply apologized to the TM. Um, what?
A TM got locked in our store last year. He didn't have a walkie and was zoning in electronics. The LOD had forgotten that he asked the TM to stay late because of a callout. The TM realized he was locked in but his phone was home and he doesn't drive. Rather than call the police or try to find an ETL's number, he just slept in a sleeping bag in TMSC until the flow team came in around 3am. To this day, each closing LOD makes sure with a grid in hand that every person is gone before setting the alarm.
To this day, each closing LOD makes sure with a grid in hand that every person is gone before setting the alarm.

And this is usually what they do at my store, so it looks even worse that a TM was only recently locked in the store and the LOD put on final. This isn't the first time my store has locked someone in.
The TM should have been paid for all that time as well. Not to mention a write up for the ETL.

If I ever get locked in the store, I'm not clocking out until the ETL shows up to let me out or the cops or whoever. Damn minor's work hour regulations to hell, they can deal with the department of education because they locked me in the place. If I've already clocked out I'll clock back in, I'm not going to be stuck in a store with nothing to do and nothing to buy for free. Or I'll just walk out the emergency door in TSC.
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