Locked Out

Should I stay or go?

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Sep 19, 2019
So I pull in for my 6AM shift and as I step out of the car I hear the manager say dont get out - the locksmith is 20 minutes away! We actually have a manager here and can’t get into work for probably the next half hour, while he did say stay in your cars and stay warm, this is kind of a joke and I wasn’t planning on staying over my shift and quite frankly I’m tempted to leave. Anyone else out there experienced this at their store?
Well, that's a new one! I've only had Leads show up late. Or, not at all.

If you are there on time, they have to pay you from your scheduled start time and they can't keep you past your scheduled end time.

Hang out and get paid for sitting in your car.
We’re at the hour mark now, still not open locksmith has been here for ablout 10 minutes now and can’t get it, I’m just about to the point of saying screw it, I’m running my car using gas to keep warm
You can go home then. The store shouldn't be able to discipline you. In fact, they should still pay you for 4 hours. That's how it is in my state.

If you choose to leave, they don't have to pay you. If they tell you to go, they might pay you (depending on state and policy.)

If you're concerned about gas, is there a fast food place nearby you can wait at and have them call you?

Can you suggest that maybe the locksmith would have better luck at a different door? Sometimes they don't think to try all the doors.
So I pull in for my 6AM shift and as I step out of the car I hear the manager say dont get out - the locksmith is 20 minutes away! We actually have a manager here and can’t get into work for probably the next half hour, while he did say stay in your cars and stay warm, this is kind of a joke and I wasn’t planning on staying over my shift and quite frankly I’m tempted to leave. Anyone else out there experienced this at their store?
You don’t have to stay over. You do a punch correction and get paid for the tome you waited in your car.
No need to be a rudea$$ about it Planosss!! I’m new on here and noodle spot so I was using this site for what it was designed for to get feedback from others and see what they would do in my situation! Maybe I have a reason for not asking the manager did you ever think about that? Thanks for being a jerk
Ours didn’t show up for work. He was over a hour late. We all stayed except for one person. That one person that left got a full days pay and an apology.
Wtf, like you can’t ask these questions from your manager, that’s literally right there? Gtfoh

You could have shitty managers like mine who tried to pull "We will pay you when you got in the building, not when your shift was supposed to start." And multiple hotline calls happened and guess what they had to go around to every single one of us and correct their mistake. Never a bad thing to double check.

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