Archived Lod going a bit far?

Is the lod wrong or right?

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    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 26 74.3%

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“Save money. Live better.”
Sep 1, 2017
Had a coworker on the phone with a friend or who ever while on a 15 in the break room and he said something threatening to the person on the other end of the phone but it was in a joking manner so the lod overheard and called him and ap into the office and were yelling at him be he offended her (lod) and was making terroristic threats...she had to report it to upper management.

Seriously? She might cost someone their job over her butting in on someones conversation?

Complete crock of s***
Wtf? That’s so stupid. If I’m on my break and away from guests and having a conversation with a non TM I can say whatever I want (besides obviously like “I’m gonna bomb the store” lol)
Yeah that's just the LOD being a cunt imho.
While its easy to jump on the LOD dont forget its not just the person threatened who hears the comment/joke but the co workrrs around who could be offended.

When I take a call I step out of the store.
Off stage is still within the walls. You are still bound by the same brand standards. Even if it's before we open in the parking lot.

Would I escalate it over a lecture? Not likely. But it would depend on the person and what was said.
While its easy to jump on the LOD dont forget its not just the person threatened who hears the comment/joke but the co workrrs around who could be offended.

When I take a call I step out of the store.
Off stage is still within the walls. You are still bound by the same brand standards. Even if it's before we open in the parking lot.

Would I escalate it over a lecture? Not likely. But it would depend on the person and what was said.
When we on (Target) Property, we are bound to follow there rules as @signingminion said. Was the LOD ease dropping on a phone conversation? Maybe. If safety is a concern for ANYONE, it concerns not only leadership, but AP as well. Outside of Spot, we play around with family and friends of course. But key words, OUTSIDE OF SPOT. Within bounds at Spot, we are PG-13 at best. 🙄
I believe phone calls should be made outside of an area where other team members may hear. Nothing bugs me more than someone unloading their personal problems in front of everyone else.

Even conversations between team members should be kept in an acceptable manner. You never know who maybe watching or snitching.
This is actually quite funny because I’m kinda on a friendly bases with the guy in ap and he said he would stab me with a bic pen if given the chance while we were on the floor. I knew he was joking and a guest or lod could have heard him. We laughed and went about our task. Was anything said? No. I think target and it’s LODs are still stuck in a high school mentality and pick and choose when and who they use the rule book and policies on. Happened the same night as well too.
Youve gotta understand these people "LODs" shall they be called give their entire lives away for the company. When I say entire life, sincerely i mean their soul, loss of human functions
Youve gotta understand these people "LODs" shall they be called give their entire lives away for the company. When I say entire life, sincerely i mean their soul, loss of human functions

I guess I will never achieve such a disgusting title then. This company just isn’t what I thought it would be. I would be one mean lod if given the opportunity. Gotta lay down the rules regardless of who is your friend and isn’t. If that happened and there was more accountability the company would be as bad but wow.
See, I understand that it may have been a joke, but workplace safety is something that nobody should take lightly. We still have to follow the rules when we're in the breakroom or anywhere else within the store. The LOD did go a little bit too far, though.
See, I understand that it may have been a joke, but workplace safety is something that nobody should take lightly. We still have to follow the rules when we're in the breakroom or anywhere else within the store. The LOD did go a little bit too far, though.

I guess my store doesn’t know safety. we don’t even have a safety vest for the cart attendants which is anyone willing to go get carts. Last I checked that’s a big OSHA no no. But the LODs are more concerned about who’s going to the bathroom, sitting on the back office talking, and making sure that the people who are actually happy while at work aren’t happy any longer. It’s like the have a radar for people who laugh or just are happy individuals and they have to come over and look at you like we’re some kind of animal. One lod didn’t even know how to use a pallet jack. Gtfo
Oh great another thread with someone who's perpetually victimized by their LOD 🙄🙄🙄

Oh, no not me. I stay under the radar and do everything with out any questions because that’s how I’ve learned to get by. But that doesn’t mean I don’t hear and see things.
Without knowing exactly what was said, I dont see how anyone can really draw a conclusion about the lods actions. "Something threatening" is rather vague.
Definately doesn't work at my store, many team members/team leads here joke about gross/sexual stuff even in front of guests
Sounds like my store. ETLs will even use profanities on the floor or scream at TMs like they were a child.
I don't usually take or make calls when I am on break and or lunch. The few times I have I will step outside of the break room ( near team leads offices) or step outside. I don't want people in my business and I don't want to be in theirs. Like others have said without knowing what was said its hard to draw a conclusion. You also have to keep in mind when people o ver hear a conversation ( phone call) they can only hear one part of it . They cant hear the person on the other end and how they react to what the tm was saying.
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