Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

Mar 24, 2025
Former TM here. I was terminated for something I did not do simply because my Store Director was racist and also preferred to believe lies that he was being fed. These lies of all people came from an immature high school gal who worked with me at the time.

I filed a claim against my Store Director with the ethics hot line. Whom in turn stated that it is up to the individual stores to determine if they will rehire me based on information provided.

That being said, for you HR people on here, what exactly is shared between stores? Also, if I gained more years of experience between my termination date and the time of reapplying, and I apply for an ETL role, can stores determine not to hire me based off the false claims my previous Store Director made?
Former TM here. I was terminated for something I did not do simply because my Store Director was racist and also preferred to believe lies that he was being fed. These lies of all people came from an immature high school gal who worked with me at the time.

I filed a claim against my Store Director with the ethics hot line. Whom in turn stated that it is up to the individual stores to determine if they will rehire me based on information provided.

That being said, for you HR people on here, what exactly is shared between stores? Also, if I gained more years of experience between my termination date and the time of reapplying, and I apply for an ETL role, can stores determine not to hire me based off the false claims my previous Store Director made?

Some of folks here will have good advice for you.
Some will be a bit snarky and maybe not as nice as you would like.
I'm just warning you of this up front because others have come for advice on situations like this and gotten angry with the replies.
Please don't do that.
Racist how?
I'm Asian, he called me names that I will not repeat here. He also assisted a team lead in filing a false report about how I allegedly screamed at her (the team lead). I did not. I wasn't even working on the day they claim this incident happened.
Some of folks here will have good advice for you.
Some will be a bit snarky and maybe not as nice as you would like.
I'm just warning you of this up front because others have come for advice on situations like this and gotten angry with the replies.
Please don't do that.
I've been on the sidelines watching other threads so I am very well aware of what I'm digging my hands into haha. Although I genuinely appreciate your thoughtfulness.
If you had issues with spot, why come back?
I've worked at Target (or Spot as some people call it, very quirky btw I love it) on a few different occasions. I've never had an issue at any other store. This particular location and this particular Store Director was an unusual case for me and my experiences with Target. Hence why I'm not reapplying to that particular store and instead shooting for another store for an etl position this time.
If you put down that you are a former team member most likely before you are even called they will reach out to the former store .
The reason I’m saying that is because I use to call the former stores when I had former tm applying to my store.
My question to the other stores were if there was any major attendance issues since overnight was hard to staff.
I was not in HR but just from observations and hearsay at my store, it’s hard to say what info is traded between stores because what is allowed through official channels and what is shared through the district grapevine may be two different things. There are several factors that may or may not work against you, such as whether or not the SD who termed you is still at that store, how chummy the SDs in the area are, how long it’s been since you were termed and how far the news that you called the hotline on the SD travelled. Unfortunately, no matter how badly that SD deserved to be reported to the hotline, the fact that you reported him will not be a point in your favor for rehire if anyone at the store you apply to finds out about it or happens to remember it. The only way to know if they will rehire you is to apply and take your chances. Since that’s what you want, I hope you make it. Good luck!
If you put down that you are a former team member most likely before you are even called they will reach out to the former store .
The reason I’m saying that is because I use to call the former stores when I had former tm applying to my store.
My question to the other stores were if there was any major attendance issues since overnight was hard to staff.
I did put that I am a former tm, however I did not enter my tm ID (it has been two years, and I've been working other jobs, it would be a miracle of I can still remember my Target TMID now without a refresher), and I also dod not put down the former location info either.
I was not in HR but just from observations and hearsay at my store, it’s hard to say what info is traded between stores because what is allowed through official channels and what is shared through the district grapevine may be two different things. There are several factors that may or may not work against you, such as whether or not the SD who termed you is still at that store, how chummy the SDs in the area are, how long it’s been since you were termed and how far the news that you called the hotline on the SD travelled. Unfortunately, no matter how badly that SD deserved to be reported to the hotline, the fact that you reported him will not be a point in your favor for rehire if anyone at the store you apply to finds out about it or happens to remember it. The only way to know if they will rehire you is to apply and take your chances. Since that’s what you want, I hope you make it. Good luck!
I very much appreciate this Intel. I just did my interview with a company recruiter, I have yet to hear back on my next interview. I did not inform the recruiter of the fact that the Store Director did an unfair termination on me nor that I was terminated to begin with. Just stating I resigned to go back to my regular job.

Edit as I realized you wrote more than what I initially saw:

The SD who termed me is still at that location. He has prevented a rehire for a different role, however this was like 6 months after my term. I am applying far from my old district as I am moving. I really hope the news of the ethics line report didn't travel this far from the district. Although I do have to ask from your experiences, do stores share termination information?
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I did put that I am a former tm, however I did not enter my tm ID (it has been two years, and I've been working other jobs, it would be a miracle of I can still remember my Target TMID now without a refresher), and I also dod not put down the former location info either.
I didn’t have a tm number for the former team members who reapplied . I just had my hr look into it and get me the number for the Etl who was overseeing the team member.
But like I said my main concern was attendance.
Sds from district or not they all get together at least once a year and they know each other.
If you are so concern about it you can always call the HRPB for the district you are applying.
I didn’t have a tm number for the former team members who reapplied . I just had my hr look into it and get me the number for the Etl who was overseeing the team member.
But like I said my main concern was attendance.
Sds from district or not they all get together at least once a year and they know each other.
If you are so concern about it you can always call the HRPB for the district you are applying.
How would I find the HRBP contact information? As I'm not a current TM, I don't have the same access to workday as a TM would. I have visitor access, which only allows me to apply to jobs.
How would I find the HRBP contact information? As I'm not a current TM, I don't have the same access to workday as a TM would. I have visitor access, which only allows me to apply to jobs.

And if you want to go as high as the motherload of HR you can reach out to Mellisa Kramer
Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
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And if you want to go as high as the motherload of HR you can reach out to Mellisa Kramer
Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Found Mellisa Kramer's info on LinkedIn. Kinda don't want to go straight to her if an HRBP can answer the question. Although I do have to say, I don't usually trust LinkedIn as the info I've found on there so far is usually incorrect. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
Found Mellisa Kramer's info on LinkedIn. Kinda don't want to go straight to her if an HRBP can answer the question. Although I do have to say, I don't usually trust LinkedIn as the info I've found on there so far is usually incorrect. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
If you called the hotline and then you were terminated after??? That is retaliation and instantly fired. We had a store Director and somebody called the hotline on her. The store Director didn’t know who it was. She called people by one in the office, asking questions about it trying to find out who it was. Somebody then told the hotline. She was fired. Retaliation they don’t play with …instant fire!
I think you should not reach out to somebody on LinkedIn. That is a bad move because you’re getting personal with the person and you never know how they’re gonna take it. Plus HR is working off the clock that is against the rules so if she talks to you on LinkedIn, then that’s a break for her and corrective action so why would she do it?
Go into the store that you want to work at and talk to the hr expert. And tell them that you wanted to apply.

And if you want to go as high as the motherload of HR you can reach out to Mellisa Kramer
Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
No you can not!!!! Bad move! You should’ve got a lawyer and sued them for slander ……..you probably still can. I would sue the store Director, not Target make him learn his lesson about being racist. Once the process starts in this slander accusation most likely they will fire the SD. I would’ve also have every Asian person that I know write a letter to Corporate and explained that they will never ever shop at Target again because Target allows racism in the workplace. I’d be going to the Asian stores and passing out flyers. I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve been terminated and I’m sorry that you were treated that way.
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About the only official info that all stores will have access to is your time of employment, and rehire status.

You will more than likely will be asked why you left.
If you called the hotline and then you were terminated after??? That is retaliation and instantly fired. We had a store Director and somebody called the hotline on her. The store Director didn’t know who it was. She called people by one in the office, asking questions about it trying to find out who it was. Somebody then told the hotline. She was fired. Retaliation they don’t play with …instant fire!
I think you should not reach out to somebody on LinkedIn. That is a bad move because you’re getting personal with the person and you never know how they’re gonna take it. Plus HR is working off the clock that is against the rules so if she talks to you on LinkedIn, then that’s a break for her and corrective action so why would she do it?
Go into the store that you want to work at and talk to the hr expert. And tell them that you wanted to apply.
Apparently Target does play with that. That's exactly why I called the hot line again after. They didn't do anything about it. That SD still works at that store. I haven't reached out on LinkedIn yet because like you said that is the same thing as working off the clock. Although most of them are salaried, do you think it would matter? (Rhetorical, plus it's a business matter wouldn't be right to reach out on LinkedIn to begin with). The store I applied to said that it's up to the recruiter (I'm applying for an ETL position). I don't know if I should even disclose this to the recruiter nor how I would go about doing so without it sounding bad.
About the only official info that all stores will have access to is your time of employment, and rehire status.

You will more than likely will be asked why you left.
That's what I thought. Though I've also heard off of reddit that they do a rehire eligibility check and that that might screw me over. Though I've also heard statuses erase after 2 or 3 years (unsure of the truthfulness of this one as I've only seen one person say it and can't confirm it, nor does it make sense).;
That is retaliation and instantly fired.
Don't I just wish. My situation (and that of 5 other TMs at my store) was a much less serious situation in that no one was fired, but when we took our concerns about a certain TL to our store's SD, there was indeed retaliation against all 6 of us from the TL. It wasn't blatant but we all knew what was going on. Fortunately, neither that TL or SD is at my store anymore, but it was bad for a while.

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