Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

Don't I just wish. My situation (and that of 5 other TMs at my store) was a much less serious situation in that no one was fired, but when we took our concerns about a certain TL to our store's SD, there was indeed retaliation against all 6 of us from the TL. It wasn't blatant but we all knew what was going on. Fortunately, neither that TL or SD is at my store anymore, but it was bad for a while.
Target doesn't take retaliation seriously unless they are actually slapped with a lawsuit. Which I probably should do tbh. But I don't want to jeopardize my chance of a rehire over that.
No you can not!!!! Bad move! You should’ve got a lawyer and sued them for slander ……..you probably still can. I would sue the store Director, not Target make him learn his lesson about being racist. Once the process starts in this slander accusation most likely they will fire the SD. I would’ve also have every Asian person that I know write a letter to Corporate and explained that they will never ever shop at Target again because Target allows racism in the workplace. I’d be going to the Asian stores and passing out flyers. I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve been terminated and I’m sorry that you were treated that way.
It's been roughly two years. I might be just outside the statut of limitations. Also, all the lawyers i spoke to before have rejected the case because there's not enough supporting evidence besides the false report the store director assisted the team lead in making. Even that, Target refuses to release that document without a court order.
Found Mellisa Kramer's info on LinkedIn. Kinda don't want to go straight to her if an HRBP can answer the question. Although I do have to say, I don't usually trust LinkedIn as the info I've found on there so far is usually incorrect. Maybe I'll give it another shot.

No you can not!!!! Bad move! You should’ve got a lawyer and sued them for slander ……..you probably still can. I would sue the store Director, not Target make him learn his lesson about being racist. Once the process starts in this slander accusation most likely they will fire the SD. I would’ve also have every Asian person that I know write a letter to Corporate and explained that they will never ever shop at Target again because Target allows racism in the workplace. I’d be going to the Asian stores and passing out flyers. I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve been terminated and I’m sorry that you were treated that way.
The op wants to go back and work for Target.
Apparently Target does play with that. That's exactly why I called the hot line again after. They didn't do anything about it. That SD still works at that store. I haven't reached out on LinkedIn yet because like you said that is the same thing as working off the clock. Although most of them are salaried, do you think it would matter? (Rhetorical, plus it's a business matter wouldn't be right to reach out on LinkedIn to begin with). The store I applied to said that it's up to the recruiter (I'm applying for an ETL position). I don't know if I should even disclose this to the recruiter nor how I would go about doing so without it sounding bad.
Then there wasn’t any proof!!!!
It would matter because you and not reaching out to a target email.
If the hotline didn’t find any proof then I doubt they would rehire you. IMO you will be viewed as a trouble maker and risk with them thinking that you will be accusing them of the same.
Don't I just wish. My situation (and that of 5 other TMs at my store) was a much less serious situation in that no one was fired, but when we took our concerns about a certain TL to our store's SD, there was indeed retaliation against all 6 of us from the TL. It wasn't blatant but we all knew what was going on. Fortunately, neither that TL or SD is at my store anymore, but it was bad for a while.
You went to the wrong people!! Your store SD, ETL’s and TL’s are supposed to have each others backs.
You should have told AP and they would start watching all of you. Once AP had proof then call the hotline.
It's been roughly two years. I might be just outside the statut of limitations. Also, all the lawyers i spoke to before have rejected the case because there's not enough supporting evidence besides the false report the store director assisted the team lead in making. Even that, Target refuses to release that document without a court order.
To get the document….In my state we have DIY. Go to your state’s Court webpage and see if you have an E-portal that lets you make legal documents. It’s pretty cool. The computer bot (not sure what to call it) asks question and fills the form out for you. You can send it electronically or print. It’s free. No lawyer needed. In my state you have 7 years.
I did put that I am a former tm, however I did not enter my tm ID (it has been two years, and I've been working other jobs, it would be a miracle of I can still remember my Target TMID now without a refresher), and I also dod not put down the former location info either.
I think all they need is your name and they can look up all your information. Former location, job title, team member number etc..
About the only official info that all stores will have access to is your time of employment, and rehire status.

You will more than likely will be asked why you left.
That’s not what I’ve heard I think they can see more than just that unless it’s been a really long time since employment. I may be wrong and things may have changed.
The op wants to go back and work for Target.
You went to the wrong people!! Your store SD, ETL’s and TL’s are supposed to have each others backs.
You should have told AP and they would start watching all of you. Once AP had proof then call the hotline.
My AP was absent most of the day. My store was a complete shitshow. Minors acting like they run the show, ETLs and SD allowing them to do so, team leads filing false reports, AP either hard to find or missing altogether, etc. It's no wonder my SD had the audacity to do a wrongful termination.
To get the document….In my state we have DIY. Go to your state’s Court webpage and see if you have an E-portal that lets you make legal documents. It’s pretty cool. The computer bot (not sure what to call it) asks question and fills the form out for you. You can send it electronically or print. It’s free. No lawyer needed. In my state you have 7 years.
My state unfortunately does not allow such things. The tool is altogether not there.
I think all they need is your name and they can look up all your information. Former location, job title, team member number etc..
This is what I thought, but several posts on here and on Reddit appear to counter this thought. I personally am super confused as well.
That’s not what I’ve heard I think they can see more than just that unless it’s been a really long time since employment. I may be wrong and things may have changed.
The first time I worked at Target in 2016, I shadowed HR for a few months because that was the direction my store wanted me to go initially (this is a completely different store from the one that wrongfully terminated me). I remember being able to go back on every team member's work histories within the company, including every detail on their profiles. Both current and former. This was pre Workday, so I'm not sure what they see nowadays, hence why I asked here hoping someone with current info might be able to answer.
I've worked at Target (or Spot as some people call it, very quirky btw I love it) on a few different occasions. I've never had an issue at any other store. This particular location and this particular Store Director was an unusual case for me and my experiences with Target. Hence why I'm not reapplying to that particular store and instead shooting for another store for an etl position

As far as I know all they are supposed to say is if you are rehireable or not.
If a target calls a target they can say everything. It’s only if a different company calls Target they can only give your start and end date.
Do you think they'll actually call previous stores? Or since it's been 2 years they'll just not call?
Possibly if the new store is in the same district as the old one. All the leaders at the 2 stores closest to mine know each other so, I could totally see them calling each other.
Possibly if the new store is in the same district as the old one. All the leaders at the 2 stores closest to mine know each other so, I could totally see them calling each other.
I think the new store I'm applying to is in a completely different district from my old store. How do I find out where each district starts and ends?
You should have told AP and they would start watching all of you. Once AP had proof then call the hotline.
Why would we have thought to go to AP about a problem with our TL? He wasn't stealing anything or touching anyone inappropriately. (Well, there were rumors that he was having an affair with a TM under his supervision, but no one had anything remotely resembling proof. And as far as I know, none of us reported it.)
Why would we have thought to go to AP about a problem with our TL? He wasn't stealing anything or touching anyone inappropriately. (Well, there were rumors that he was having an affair with a TM under his supervision, but no one had anything remotely resembling proof. And as far as I know, none of us reported it.)
My store in particular was a shitshow. Absolutely no way AP would've helped here either.

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