Lost of electronic key

Oct 24, 2011
I had been working in the store for 10+ years, and tonight I was schedule in toys hardline. I was passed on the key to cover electric for the closing shift. After I help two guests around 920pm, I went back to toys and resume my take down job. When I about to wrap up my work at
930pm, I just notice the key is not in my pocket. I report to AP immidiately for review. He found out I accidentally left key on elections counter, and 5 min later, a guest just took it and ran out of store. What would happen next to the store and my position? How should I talk when I am going to call for the coach?
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I had been working in the store for 10+ years, and tonight I was schedule in toys hardline. I was passed on the key to cover electric for the closing shift. After I help two guests around 920pm, I went back to toys and resume my take down job. When I about to wrap up my work at
930pm, I just notice the key is not in my pocket. I report to AP immidiately for review. He found out I accidentally left key on elections counter, and 5 min later, a guest just took it and ran out of store. What would happen next to the store and my position? How should I talk when I am going to call for the coach?
I doubt you get fired unless you've had disciplinary actions within the last couple of years but I would expect you to get a write-up. They have to rekey all the electronics cases now which is a huge pain and a significant cost
Did you leave the actual key? Or just the s3 magnetic key.

If you left just the magnetic key, you'll probably get a talking to and they'll go about their day.

If you left the entire set of keys, they will have to re-core every lock in the building that was associated with that set of keys. Which isn't particularly difficult, but it is expensive (takes about 2 hours). In this case I'd expect to get a final written.

The person who passed you the keys will also likely get written up if they didn't sign them out to you.

The fact that you reported it immediately will work heavily in your favor.
Mmm this is dependant o your store and if you are on any correctives at the moment. We had this happen to someone recently in their 90 days and thry still kept them. They got a strict tslkign to though. Just keep in mind for the future do not EVER set down ANY of Spot's property ehen your responsible for ut. Walkie, zebra, keys, etc. Learn and move forward

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